12547 ::
Typedesc error with 2.2.0
11612 ::
Super-weird error with builds on latest Windows runner (Github)
10888 ::
Weird bug(?) with JS backend
10882 ::
Getting std/rationals to work for the JS backend
10868 ::
A custom '=destroy' hook which takes a 'var T' parameter is deprecated
10391 ::
Template being called twice with Nim 2.0
10150 ::
Checking for exact floating-point representations
10141 ::
Using named blocks with break instead of exceptions for targetted exception handling
10133 ::
Checking whether we are in .compileTime
10051 ::
Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
9923 ::
Help with macro/template-style transformation
9852 ::
Cross-compiling for M1 mac from non-M1 mac
9830 ::
"cannot prove that it's safe to initialize"
9698 ::
Get time at compile-time
9681 ::
Parsing Unicode and lexbase
9674 ::
Not able to get `in` for sets to work properly
9629 ::
Using templates with generic or untyped parameters
9587 ::
linearScanEnd caveats?
9574 ::
Nim 1.6.10 release candidate
9552 ::
Change ref object variant in-place - drawbacks?
9545 ::
Declaring an uninitialized seq & avoid unnecessary zero-mem's
9540 ::
Enums, custom overloads & redundant strings
9530 ::
From too many copies to too few
9522 ::
Packing integers and GMP bignums in a single value
9510 ::
Selecting/installing older nim package on FreeBSD
9505 ::
Copies, seqs, assignments & templates
9501 ::
Getting pointer to a seq
9498 ::
See generated code after template processing?
9495 ::
Overriding default C/C++ options + error with 1.6.8 / C++ / macOS
9494 ::
Nim 1.6.8 released!
9493 ::
Battling with copies & a silly question
9490 ::
update dictionary value function?
9485 ::
High-to-low range in slice
9483 ::
compile-time avoid Exception statement
9481 ::
internal error: cannot map the empty seq type to a C type
9478 ::
Get a pointer to a ref object and hold on to it
9462 ::
Custom macro for if-let statement
9449 ::
how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9442 ::
Writing byte array to FileStream - best approaches?
9413 ::
Where do nimErr's comes from?
9409 ::
The Salewski Chess Engine is finally available
9408 ::
Does "pushing" overflowCheck's actually work?
9407 ::
Recursively replace pair of bytes with one byte, within given byte array
9400 ::
String vs Array concatenation
9373 ::
Any way to compile with `-O2` or `-Ofast`?
9354 ::
How to use Github's actions/cache with Nim?
9348 ::
if-else VS case-else VS case
9332 ::
Compiler error on Windows that doesn't occur on Mac/Linux
9330 ::
How to check whether parseFloat leads to missing precision
9303 ::
Weird error on Ubuntu 2x.04
9032 ::
Ruby's parallel-like functionality in Nim
8976 ::
Error: unhandled exception: index 2 not in 0 .. 1 [IndexDefect]
8975 ::
readLineFromStdin & Windows
8969 ::
C/C++-wrapping Windows/VCC-related issues again
8942 ::
AsyncHttpServer running in the background, spawn & closures
8937 ::
variable has incomplete type: struct...
8932 ::
error C2440: '=': cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'NCSTRING'
8915 ::
Trouble interfacing with C/C++ single-header library
8904 ::
Compressing resulting JS
8881 ::
NImScript task and using a shebang line
8862 ::
Weird issue with ints in web (js) builds
8856 ::
Variable compile-time import paths
8085 ::
Change rune at given position, in Unicode string
7976 ::
Enforcing type safety for custom Hash function
7879 ::
Verbatim multiline strings & indentation
7869 ::
Getting varargs parameter from JS
7868 ::
Generate JsObject for use in JavaScript
7859 ::
Error when building for JS - internal error
7838 ::
Capturing external variables in closure
7828 ::
Need help implementing bind for C for webview.h
7764 ::
Testing/Feedback for Neel 0.4.0 development
7705 ::
Demystifying nimDecRefIsLast
7660 ::
Easiest way of charting module inter-dependencies
7641 ::
Compiling Nim project for arm/arm64
7631 ::
Compiling for arm/arm64
7618 ::
Splat operator in Nim?
7617 ::
Templating dynlib calls
7615 ::
Add item to Set?
7609 ::
Compile Nim to JavaScript from inside Nim?
7599 ::
Create proc/template that takes 2 blocks of code
7596 ::
Un-static strings in template
7589 ::
Sorting array by object key
7571 ::
Advice on using linenoise?
7564 ::
Easiest way to check for shift-left overflow?
7510 ::
Non-js modules
7458 ::
Tracking down hints and silencing them
7449 ::
Looking for advices on data design for a dynamic language
7446 ::
Problem with asynchttpserver and GC - yep, the usual one
7440 ::
Performance impact of unused ref-object fields?
7435 ::
How do I list the files in a directory in Nim?
7434 ::
Cryptic error message without specific hints
7433 ::
Problem with compile-time `len` and variable
7432 ::
How would Nim do in this language comparison?
7418 ::
Morgenstern-ish documentation
7403 ::
Ignore part of tuple without warnings
7402 ::
Print - a better echo. colors, pretty nesting, refs and cycles!
7398 ::
Portable binaries with Nim - what works?
7374 ::
Experimenting with an SQLite-based portable graph DB engine
7337 ::
How to make Nim compilation faster?
7018 ::
SSL error using httpClient
7006 ::
Termios missing when building on Windows?
6991 ::
Should we use British or American English in the documentation?
6971 ::
What Nim projects are you working on?
6871 ::
Looking for collaborators!
5716 ::
"Selector must be of an ordinal type, float or string"
5713 ::
Most efficient way to convert a uint64 to a seq of bytes
5712 ::
macOs Catalina (10.15.2) - linking warnings
5706 ::
What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5705 ::
Any way to see the generated assembly?
5703 ::
Arrays and Sequences in nim
5700 ::
How to store an int in a register?
5699 ::
Any way to force a specific identifier name in C code?
5674 ::
Force types from specific imported modules
5643 ::
Most efficient way to implement a stack using Nim?
5622 ::
Best way to store/search/etc and an int-int data structure
5621 ::
Different code produced when using a template?
5610 ::
Fastest way to check for int32 overflows
5605 ::
Help with templates and injected symbols
5602 ::
"incRef: interiorPtrTraceback" what does it mean?
5595 ::
GC and fixed memory addresses
5594 ::
Problem with .exportc-marked variable containing proc reference
5593 ::
genSym not generating unique symbols?
5591 ::
setupForeignThreadGc() equivalent for Boehm GC?
5587 ::
Seq's and string with --gc:none
5581 ::
Problem with forward declarations and pragmas
5579 ::
Async loops & multi-processing
5575 ::
How to print a float's binary digits?
5573 ::
Advantages of "from... X... import Y" over "import Y"?
5572 ::
Empty sequence of specific type given problems when compiling with "cpp"
5571 ::
Performance: 2 indirections or 1?
5567 ::
Get name of proc at compile time
5560 ::
Get nimble file directory from within nimble file hook
5559 ::
Reversing string Hash value
5558 ::
Is there any way to look something up in a Table using a pre-computed Hash value?
5556 ::
Force mutable Seq returns
5554 ::
NaN tagging in Nim?
5553 ::
Binary resulting much larger with --opt:size?
5539 ::
Differences between simple assignment, shallowCopy and deepCopy
5538 ::
Newbie question, ref object
5536 ::
--gc:regions: how does it work?
5526 ::
A better way to write a single line of code
5525 ::
Need advice regarding using templates
5511 ::
GC_ref & GC_unref - and when to use them
5510 ::
Problems with default GC (and practically any other GC), works fine with --gc:regions
5508 ::
Prime factorization of Fermat numbers using BigNum/GMP
5487 ::
How to package external packages into a single standalone binary
5484 ::
Get contents of directory at given path
5478 ::
Efficient way to validate function arguments
5477 ::
A super newbie git-related question
5476 ::
Why does nim put the Export marker on the right side?
5473 ::
Get first element in Table
5466 ::
Function overloading based on object.kind
5465 ::
undeclared identifier: 'PGenericSeq' when using '--seqsv2:on'
5454 ::
Reduce memory footprint - manually free objects?
5453 ::
Things to watch in the produced nimcache files - for performance
5449 ::
Slightly confused with how to use templates
5437 ::
Using forward declarations
5425 ::
sequence of [string,Value] tables VS sequence of (string,value) sequences
5421 ::
Suggestion for optimizations (for better performance/speed) for an interpreter written in Nim
5415 ::
Importing types for different module
5405 ::
Getting memory address of object into string
5403 ::
Get list of defined procs/templates within an (imported) module
5399 ::
Trouble with 'ref objects' and passing them around