Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8840 ::
[Araq] What about `or=`, `and=` and `xor=`?
8833 ::
[Araq] Discussion: Why Static Languages Suffer From Complexity
8809 ::
[Araq] Suppressing non-exported fields in nim doc
8801 ::
[Araq] Why don't build Nim libraries ecosystem on Rust ecosystem?
8789 ::
[cantanima] What's the proper idiom?
8776 ::
[Araq] a thought about faster iteration
8080 ::
[cantanima] Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
7892 ::
[Araq] nim update & choosenim
7874 ::
[Araq] Why learn NIM
7718 ::
[Araq] Nim cimpiling to Misra C?
7633 ::
[Sixte] Performance comparison of various compilers
7631 ::
[cantanima] Compiling for arm/arm64
7432 ::
[cantanima] How would Nim do in this language comparison?
7325 ::
[cantanima] Own numeric type
7089 ::
[Araq] Possible usage of Nim & Z3 for embedded?
7071 ::
[doofenstein] Kernel Matrix Calculation in Nim
7049 ::
[cantanima] local types - how to
6896 ::
[Araq] Nim - plugin for IntelliJ IDEs | JetBrains
6893 ::
[cantanima] Defects vs Exceptions
6879 ::
[euant] Hacktoberfest is here!
6707 ::
[dom96] Nim feedback by al6x
6627 ::
[Varriount] hard to load this forum
6623 ::
[zahary] SymbolicNim, symbolic algebra in Nim
6589 ::
[Araq] Procedural X86 inline assembler for Nim
6497 ::
[Araq] Nuglifier - Nim source code uglifier
6418 ::
[Araq] New entry on Nim blog...
6375 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Inheritance vs composition
6170 ::
[dom96] Nim programming book for kids
5868 ::
[Araq] What are move semantics ,rvalue and lvalue ?
5784 ::
[Araq] Goto based exception handling
5758 ::
[Araq] Write Nim by using only 'v'
5738 ::
[kcvinu] What is the meaning of this C code ?
5706 ::
[adrianv] What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5476 ::
[Araq] Why does nim put the Export marker on the right side?
5413 ::
[cantanima] How to privatize the proc of the inherited parent object?
5279 ::
[dom96] Difference between discard and await?
5047 ::
[dom96] What do you think about the programming language NIM?
4975 ::
[Araq] Nim Compilation Speed?
4964 ::
[Araq] What prevents you from using Nim as your main programming language?
4928 ::
[Araq] Natural is not positive
4918 ::
[Araq] v0.20: -d:release does not turn off runtime checks?
4904 ::
[bpr] create array at runtime
4900 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] What kinds of Computational Science problems do you usually solve
4866 ::
[cantanima] No hint?
4835 ::
[Jehan] Disparity between Nim and C performance
4825 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Is there way to change «proc» naming?
4818 ::
[Libman] "First natively compiled language with hot code-reloading at runtime"
4803 ::
[cantanima] type mismath in simple math
4789 ::
[cblake] What is the purpose of tables.allValues()?
4755 ::
[cantanima] Weird results on aarch64
4749 ::
[mashingan] How to compile and run a Nim program on the Android?
4732 ::
[cdunn2001] pibench2 – A multi-threaded performance benchmark written in Nim
4547 ::
[Araq] Nim and Project Euler
4328 ::
[dom96] Nim in Action: question about comparison vs. C/C++
4165 ::
[wizzardx] is there computer algebra system module?
3814 ::
[Jehan] Why is Nim so slow in this "Completely Unscientific Benchmark"?
2820 ::
[cantanima] Concepts and type-checking
1779 ::
[Araq] Nim vs D