Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8646 ::
[Araq] Converter is used through intermediate module?
8619 ::
[ftsf] (2021 November) Most common or active 2D game framework?
8411 ::
[Skaruts] I'm having a Nim+Lua+Libtcod callback wrapping problem
7951 ::
[demotomohiro] Which converters are "safe" to use?
7298 ::
[Vladar] Problem with sdl2 & nim
7286 ::
[Araq] Nim Seqs to C backend
7141 ::
[Yardanico] can't create seq in callback function
6980 ::
[Araq] handmade hero in nim ( warning: noob)
5857 ::
[adrianv] Learning & Using Nim as a C# user + Fan logo Redesign
5812 ::
[dom96] Ported a Python game to Nim
4769 ::
[dom96] Is there a 2D game framework recently updated for Nim ?
4725 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Nimble cannot find latest version of package
4013 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] Best/most updated libraries for game development
3564 ::
[Libman] Nim's status discussion
3379 ::
[Vladar] VoxelSpace engine demo
3251 ::
[sky_khan] Pragma for temporarily making strict identifier names?
3211 ::
[dom96] Safe sdl2 wrapper library?
3084 ::
[Vladar] Nimgame2: could not import: SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale
2961 ::
[Vladar] Games made in Nim
2897 ::
[Vladar] Announcing Nimgame 3D!
2841 ::
[dom96] The Linux Game Jam 2017 - itch.io
2827 ::
[Angluca] 7drl - Seven Day Roguelike Game Dev Competition
2821 ::
[Vladar] How to compile only to C
2730 ::
[Araq] Nimgame 2
2468 ::
[Vladar] FastStack - dynamically resizable data structure optimized for fast iteration
2449 ::
[Vladar] Cross-import error or am I doing it wrong?
2429 ::
[Vladar] Best 2D game engine for nim?
2298 ::
[Vladar] Please review my tutorial code
2245 ::
[Vladar] Help with following Lazy Foo's C++ SDL2 tutorial in Nim
2226 ::
[Vladar] I don't understand 'var' parameters
2210 ::
[Vladar] Lisp interpreter in Nim (just for fun)
2195 ::
[Vladar] SDL2 trackpad reading issue
2166 ::
[Vladar] creating particles with SDL2
2159 ::
[Vladar] Safe pointers — am I doing it right?
2116 ::
[Vladar] loading a PNG
2101 ::
[Vladar] trying to load a png image with SDL_IMAGE
2100 ::
[Vladar] Graphics Module with SDL2
1959 ::
[def] could not load: SDL2_gfx.dll
1823 ::
[dom96] Pygame like library?
1715 ::
[Araq] First Nim conference in Kyiv
1632 ::
[Araq] I think official sdl2 nim lib is chaos.
1407 ::
[Vladar] Recommended SDL2 and OpenGL bindings?
908 ::
[Vladar] Converting C struct with reserved words
844 ::
[Araq] What toolchain are YOU using for Nim development?
180 ::
[dom96] Error compiling Nimrod 0.9.2
111 ::
[Araq] libtcod-nim
107 ::
[dom96] nimgame 0.3
68 ::
[Araq] Are there any REPL ?
47 ::
[Araq] nimgame 0.2
19 ::
[dom96] nimgame 0.1 � because Nimrod deserves own 2D game engine
3 ::
[Araq] Calling base class constructor