Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11601 ::
[treeform] Why not use AI to create momentum in Nim?
11075 ::
[nimbool] nimble.directory has been down for a few days now
11069 ::
[ingo] leave parenthesis for procedures that take 0 parameters like Ruby
10664 ::
[PMunch] Nim in university context?
10515 ::
[didlybom] ImPlot library
10413 ::
[Araq] SomeFloat in std/complex
10406 ::
[Araq] [Scala background] How does a macro in Scala differs from macro in Nim?
10309 ::
[Araq] Why is a Nim enthusiast/programmer called a "Nimmer"?
10302 ::
[cheatfate] signalfd leaks in addProcess()
10171 ::
[Araq] Good Languages Borrow, Great Languages Nim
9678 ::
[moigagoo] Advent of Nim 2022
9543 ::
[Araq] Nim 2: What’s special about Task?
9039 ::
[DeletedUser] [news] NimScript won't report incorrect errors in vscode with the latest devel branch
9023 ::
[demotomohiro] Read output only while input is not asked
9021 ::
[Araq] newSeq() named inconsistently?
8996 ::
[didlybom] iterrr: extensible iterator library
8975 ::
[drkameleon] readLineFromStdin & Windows
8801 ::
[Araq] Why don't build Nim libraries ecosystem on Rust ecosystem?
8657 ::
[jyapayne] Advent of Nim 2021
8647 ::
[Araq] Nim Community Survey 2021
8532 ::
[DavideGalilei] asyncmacro.nim(130, 3) Error: 'yield' only allowed in an iterator
8082 ::
[sky_khan] Issue when deploying a application with Nginx as a reverse proxy!
7837 ::
[Araq] On term rewriting macros
6860 ::
[zulu] using db_odbc with ms sql server on windows 10
5261 ::
[timothee] Is there a way to write tests & benchmarks for functions operating on NimNode?
4033 ::
[dom96] a simple way for generating UUID key
3992 ::
[dom96] getting started question, jester vs. karax?
3428 ::
[Araq] How do you write a test with mock?
566 ::
[Araq] "else" after loop