11747 ::
What Araq thinks about HappyX?
11670 ::
Cheap exceptions, opinionated error handling
11651 ::
Nim Killer Fullstack App
11637 ::
Which IDE to use in 2024?
11601 ::
Why not use AI to create momentum in Nim?
11467 ::
Fake Nim books an Amazon, which ones are real?
10867 ::
Dynamic Typing in Nim
10706 ::
Ideas about strings
10644 ::
browser automation recommendation?
10636 ::
How many developers are working on Nim?
10596 ::
My experiences with Nim
10595 ::
What's stopping Nim from going mainstream? (And how to fix it?)
10570 ::
10567 ::
How do i look into this runtime-failure?
10545 ::
Nim boilerplate
10530 ::
idea : reuse libraries from other languages
10529 ::
Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
10528 ::
How ready is Nim (and the ecosystem) for front-end web development?
10499 ::
Mindset Nim
10477 ::
Improving Examples and Documentation
10461 ::
How can I shorten the compile time?
10460 ::
Is it possible to safely share refs across threads?
10454 ::
Is it possible to make an extension for the browser on nim-lang?
10442 ::
One language to rule them all.
10437 ::
Inferring type of zero-sized collection from usage
10436 ::
New to nim... It looks interesting, but can it ... ?
10423 ::
[Advice] Ways to handle "dynamicity"
10420 ::
Local bug-tracker (written in Nim or not)
10414 ::
Potential users
10394 ::
What is the best way to learn nim for someone who is fluent with python
10377 ::
A few (perhaps naive) questions
10349 ::
Some of Nim's convention needs to change in order for it to succeed
10331 ::
Keep, Note Taking App in Nim
10329 ::
Why iterator doesn't work?
10320 ::
Suggestion to improve proc type infer, and some complains
10317 ::
Ferus -- a tiny web engine written in Nim
10315 ::
Fame and fortune for Nim?
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10310 ::
Twitter Clone in 60 lines of Nim
10300 ::
Why slight change to macro breaks it?
10299 ::
GUI app with nim
10297 ::
thoughts on a backend target for bun?
10274 ::
Why `unsafe_addr` had to be used in StringSlice?
10272 ::
procs: forward declaration
10270 ::
How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
10255 ::
I want to write a professional website. Which PL should I choose from?
10234 ::
Atlas shrugged...
10232 ::
Bloom filter comparisson
10223 ::
Platonic: core math concepts
10221 ::
Any fuzzy or trigram substring search library, with index, so it's instant?
10219 ::
Best Web Framework Features?
10213 ::
Complexity of nim vs other languages in creating a simple back-of-the-envelope tool.
10211 ::
Algebraic data types and structural pattern matching RFC
10210 ::
Nimble for Nim v2
10193 ::
Announce: LimDB 0.3.0 Now with types & block-syntax transactions
10189 ::
fswatch, non blocking usage?
10178 ::
Few async tools for nim
10165 ::
string fmt doesn't work inside of template?
10161 ::
Usability of ARC/ORC in multi threaded code.
10159 ::
Mojo Language: Similarities/Differences with Nim, Potential Lessons for Adoption
10146 ::
fetching data from many small .txt files
10127 ::
Viability of a website generator using nim.
10116 ::
Workaround for "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety"
10112 ::
Design discussion for KommandKit - async, multithreaded, ORC-ready web framework
10111 ::
Type mismatch with echo and trouble accessing Type fields
10110 ::
How to inverse set?
10104 ::
How to make os (e.g. ubuntu) interpret nimscript shebang
10103 ::
Writing a wrapper for ML libraries how-to
10102 ::
Mono UI, high productivity, simple and clean code
10094 ::
Why sec copied as ref?
10091 ::
Speeding up compile times
10080 ::
State of HTTP Servers in Nim
10072 ::
Future of typing ?
10067 ::
Is such HTML template possible?
10062 ::
Anyone tried GPT-4 for Nim?
10058 ::
The Nim development team cooperates with OpenAI in order to fight climate change
10056 ::
Why to_seq not overloaded properly?
10049 ::
Any bad consequence of redefining equality for ref types?
10018 ::
Do you miss these compact syntaxes?
10013 ::
I asked chat-gpt to write a fft function in Nim
10002 ::
A list of programs
10001 ::
Nim ORC example benchmark
9990 ::
Example of simple parser?
9988 ::
How to decouple code?
9982 ::
The Algorithms In Nim
9981 ::
Shared global var in ORC?
9955 ::
anonymous records / subtyping ?
9740 ::
Tutorial for nim pixie graphics?
9732 ::
sql db_postgres update where <column> in (…………)
9704 ::
A new way for Nim to shine ? Faster than NodeJS interpreted Nim, taking advantage of declared types
9683 ::
Show Nim: Mummy, a new HTTP + WebSocket server that returns to the ancient ways of threads
9663 ::
Do you have to use 'ref' for the field types within ref objects?
9652 ::
Best way for ipc between a rust app and Nim app?
9650 ::
Electron in nim like Tarui and Wails v2
9554 ::
Evolving the GUI definition
9473 ::
collecting keys and randomly picking values from tables
9437 ::
Why Svelte is far superior than React (Karax)
9431 ::
UI with WebView without JS?
9396 ::
Fidget and its alternatives
9395 ::
Ideas for useful/cute little GUI programs?
9374 ::
Why is db_postgres so slow?
9148 ::
Hello Javascript!
9042 ::
The WASM Revolution
9021 ::
newSeq() named inconsistently?
8933 ::
import from url
8904 ::
Compressing resulting JS
8887 ::
Nim 1.6.4 released
8882 ::
8879 ::
Hacker News discussion abou the recently discussed Rust vs Nim performance comparison
8833 ::
Discussion: Why Static Languages Suffer From Complexity
8802 ::
profiler for mac?
8619 ::
(2021 November) Most common or active 2D game framework?
8590 ::
Survey Question: flow research
8569 ::
Plotting library
8550 ::
AI in Nim
8502 ::
Is there more simple way to solve this task?
8479 ::
Show Nim: Use Nim code from other languages (genny + pixie-python)
8478 ::
Hacktoberfest 2021 Megathread
8477 ::
Is the Browser the Platform?
8470 ::
Auto-free C pointer when Nim object gets GC
8467 ::
Can't link C library
8462 ::
Hot Code Reloading viability for Jupyter-Notebook like Nim IDE
8457 ::
Closures inside loops without capturing loop variable?
8450 ::
Integration with C for statistics and data processing?
8449 ::
Typescript as compilation target
8441 ::
JsonNode should be Any
8418 ::
How to convert range types 'a'..'z'?
8413 ::
Is it possible to tell `import` to not create const with same name as imported module?
8408 ::
Why is backward index operator [^1] not zero based [^0]?
8394 ::
Is there a way to get value as if it's reference and update it's value?
8393 ::
Possible with NimScript? Turn old forum DB into static HTML
8391 ::
Is async expected to work within a Thread() ?
8384 ::
nimja; compiled and statically typed template engine (like twig or jinja2)
8373 ::
Any plans for better optional arguments?
8356 ::
How can I export module by name?
8347 ::
Nim stability problem, change imports slightly, and you program is broken
8342 ::
Why `except` doesn't catch `SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)`?
8341 ::
Why `using` not working? Bug?
8334 ::
Server Sent Events?
8333 ::
A look at Dart's null safety syntax
8324 ::
Print why assert failed?
8306 ::
Weird import issue
8302 ::
complaining about nim popularity.
8298 ::
Why generic converter doesn't work?
8297 ::
Nim enters top 50 programming languages list on TIOBE Index!
8293 ::
Is it possible to have generic object members?
8290 ::
Possible to have a reference in a seq of another type?
8284 ::
Data Notebook in Nim | PL0T
8259 ::
What is the purpose of do notation
8247 ::
Youtube "Software Drag Racing" to count primes in Nim
8216 ::
Order of concept implementations and functions is significant?
8215 ::
Idiomatic Nim code for 2D Poisson simulation
8212 ::
help Json
8206 ::
Nim Data Table | Best Countries for Investments
8184 ::
Help for Sending Input Data To REPL
8170 ::
Type-safe DSL / Data Schema
8169 ::
Is there a way to build better Nim DSL for plotting?
8166 ::
Why other templates stop working if the T -> Option[T] converter defined?
8153 ::
nim-ws - websockets for Nim
8115 ::
SciNim - Call for tutorial ideas
8110 ::
Proposed table changes - get and getOrDefault
8096 ::
Add to a seq inside an ordered table
8082 ::
Issue when deploying a application with Nginx as a reverse proxy!
8074 ::
Nim JSON parsing is 30 times slower than Node.JS
8038 ::
Native integration of Nim and JavaScript/TypeScript
8019 ::
Why union type for proc argument fails to compile?
8011 ::
squeeze the sequence: remove empty strings
8005 ::
Transpile Nim to Dart/Flutter?
7995 ::
Python style in Nim
7992 ::
Weaning myself off bash for Nim for little plumbing tools
7991 ::
Andre von Houck's Nim Web Framework has great potential - A must see!
7989 ::
Karax steps forward
7973 ::
Make `std/asynchttpserver` more robust?
7967 ::
Custom colored output in Nim
7957 ::
The `db_postgres`, distinguish "" from NULL
7955 ::
Sequences, Type Inference, and Inheritance... I am slightly lost.
7954 ::
Get column names for `db_postgres`?
7942 ::
Can't compile, error "could not import: X509_check_host"
7929 ::
How to make HttpServer more robust against too many connection opened?
7920 ::
No difference between asyncHttpClient and httpClient?
7906 ::
How to make Nim more popular
7904 ::
learn Nim regular expressions - regex, re , NRE
7887 ::
Nim Standard Library - How expansive should it be?
7878 ::
Secure Nim Sandbox, with IO, CPU, Memory, Time restrictions. Possible?
7873 ::
RPC in 10 and REST API in 5 lines of Nim
7863 ::
NimConf 2021
7842 ::
Let's Make Async Great Again!
7840 ::
Do I need to publish with `nimble publish` or just submit my repo name to `package.json`?
7826 ::
Simple RPC, call remote Nim functions as if its local, experimenting...
7818 ::
Error in macro, `int` is not evaluated as `int`.
7817 ::
Post process string formatted with `fmt`
7804 ::
The `db_postgres` can't execute multiple queries, possible bug?
7801 ::
How to disable logging from db_postgres?
7786 ::
The NaN story, short version
7751 ::
Multi-threaded features needed for Server
7749 ::
Twitter in 100 lines of Nim, no JS
7703 ::
How to use global immutable variables in Threads?
7698 ::
Can't set wild-pattern matching any route in Jester
7682 ::
Generics overload - which one is selected?
7672 ::
Documentation: Method Call Synatx and Inverse Index
7661 ::
how do I get a reference to a object
7649 ::
Initializing objects from proc parameters
7646 ::
Nicer function anmes and other identifiers in the JS output
7644 ::
Missing Symmetry: varargs vs. all
7639 ::
iNim is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
7630 ::
Can nim long polling?
7621 ::
Criticism of Parallel Nim
7616 ::
Non-async inside async, how it's executed?
7608 ::
new blogpost: pattern matching (and fusion)
7591 ::
Nimview - a lightweight UI helper
7583 ::
Channel / Actors based parallelism? Are there such Web Servers?
7566 ::
Nim can be so difficult to understand
7553 ::
When multiple proc match the call, use the most specific one?
7545 ::
How to implement universal `collection.pick(field_or_fn)`?
7519 ::
How to access command line parameters under the JS backend
7498 ::
Nim Design Patterns?
7489 ::
Questions about collect macro, and inconsistency in namings
7474 ::
How to set a string parameter of a procedure by default to nil?
7457 ::
What are the latest developments in the Nim compiler?
7435 ::
How do I list the files in a directory in Nim?
7422 ::
Pararules - A rules engine for games
7416 ::
Why aren't the built-in math procs (`+`, `-`, `*`, ...) procvars?
7414 ::
Unmarshal JSON to type
7413 ::
Best showcase of tests in Nim standard library?
7408 ::
What are simple profilers to use with Nim?
7407 ::
Is there a way to use question mark in my proc names?
7394 ::
How to create a new ref object from an immutable (non-ref) object?
7393 ::
Call `result.new` automatically in `proc`?
7382 ::
How to understand nimprof report?
7380 ::
Admin for web app
7376 ::
New article: Parsing inputs in Nim
7371 ::
Any plans for syntactic sugar for parameter unpacking?
7364 ::
How to pass around large immutable data? Copy-on-Write?
7363 ::
How to write a template to call function with arbitrary number of arguments?
7362 ::
Why proc behavior depends if it defined after or before another proc?
7356 ::
Bug? Compiled code throws some C-lang error.
7349 ::
Why JSON % proc doesn't work for Enum?
7331 ::
Why include doesn't work?
7322 ::
Weird how visibility scope works if generic proc used. Possible bug?
7320 ::
Executing command in hidden console
7319 ::
Seems like a bug? SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.
7316 ::
Should`type` or `typedesc` be used?
7315 ::
How to turn proc that uses immutable shared object into pure func?
7311 ::
How to parse custom JSON serialization format?
7299 ::
How to sum the values of a table?
7294 ::
How to deal with Enums with same names?
7282 ::
Client-side JS with Nim
7272 ::
Nim API for Interactive Broker
7251 ::
Nim for mobile
7170 ::
How to rewrite nim programming langauge to be pythonic as possible?
7072 ::
variable length tuple unpacking
6948 ::
Is Nim good for creating video games?
6891 ::
Massive Funding Coming To Nim
6852 ::
Same Regular Expression constructed in slightly different ways produces different results
6849 ::
Why can't I define custom `find` proc and override one from the system module?
6846 ::
How to figure out why proc is not GC-safe? And is there a way to force Nim to ignore that?
6835 ::
Object with same name as module
6834 ::
Electron-like app with Nim
6813 ::
Why `foldl` is not working with `openarray`, seems like it should work.
6809 ::
Add hash[T] to hashes?
6808 ::
Module imported with "as" still accessible, is it a bug?
6807 ::
What's the point of marking methods with {.base.} pragma?
6806 ::
Strange and misleading error message when converting to JSON
6805 ::
Can I use generic type without interface?
6804 ::
Can't instantiate generic object with type restriction
6796 ::
Should a function that's called many times return Table or ref Table?
6788 ::
Listing tools on the wikipedia page?
6786 ::
Is there any PWA (Progressive Web Apps) framework or package written in nim?
6781 ::
Any easy way to compare `==` object variants?
6756 ::
Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6737 ::
Can't convert time series to / from JSON
6733 ::
Blog post about strict funcs
6726 ::
How to write multi-line sugar => and sugar do?
6725 ::
Nimforum 2.1.0 is here
6723 ::
Nim - Julia bridge
6720 ::
How to convert tuple to JSON?
6707 ::
Nim feedback by al6x
6700 ::
How to convert sequence of objects to JSON in Nim?
6685 ::
Should I use object or ref object?
6521 ::
How to set up/start a Project?
6005 ::
Async web servers and database
5849 ::
Another Pythonish Compiled Language: Lobster
5607 ::
use jester with SSE (server side event) example
5312 ::
default values for objects
5212 ::
Tried to learn NIM some feedback
5197 ::
How to get Nim running on iOS and Android using GLFM.
4817 ::
Alternatives to using an object variant type with a duplicate field name across branches?
4770 ::
Why Nim so inconsistent?
4262 ::
Are Source Code Filters still needed now that we have strformat?
3742 ::
how to opt out of automatic import of system.nim?
1207 ::
when to use 'ref object' vs plain 'object'
1186 ::
Varargs forwarding.