Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12181 ::
[stbalbach] Best location to declare variables in a proc
11414 ::
[stbalbach] Include a file dynamically
10871 ::
[Araq] unhandled exception: index -1 not in 0 .. 12 [IndexDefect]
10761 ::
[Araq] cannot open: /dev/stderr
10607 ::
[stbalbach] Detect replacement/binary characters?
9327 ::
[dom96] downloading big files
9145 ::
[gokr] Why I left the Nim community
8174 ::
[stbalbach] Question with nimpy
8165 ::
[stbalbach] include a file variably
8097 ::
[timothee] -d:release = awesome
8017 ::
[Araq] How to escape colon in the '&' macro in strformat ?
7409 ::
[stbalbach] Regex and capture unicode text
7351 ::
[stbalbach] encodeRe()
7088 ::
[cblake] Creating unique ID from strings
6839 ::
[stbalbach] How Can I Convert An Integer to String?
6752 ::
[Araq] global var not detected by compiles()
6008 ::
[Araq] re or nre. What should i use? What will be supported in future?
5751 ::
[sky_khan] Sqlite: unfinalized statements error
5706 ::
[adrianv] What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5516 ::
[dom96] Memory leak
4213 ::
[LeuGim] Calling functions between files
4184 ::
[zahary] [Status Grant Proposal] Make Nim suitable for interactive programming
4080 ::
[cdunn2001] getopt() and double-quotes
3897 ::
[dom96] [Quick tip] Store your "nimcache" folders in temp directory.
3591 ::
[boia01] Looking for efficient API for regexp library
3462 ::
[dom96] Increasing Nim exposure
3144 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] Any future for true associative arrays?
2925 ::
[Araq] Fastest way to pack CSV file
2824 ::
[stbalbach] base64 encoding crashes
2725 ::
[Araq] nre, am I using it wrongly?
2719 ::
[LeuGim] template/generic instantiation from here
2547 ::
[RPG] re/nre performance issues
2332 ::
[Araq] Community Code of Conduct
2312 ::
[jlp765] Regex speed problem
2227 ::
[OderWat] Scope and templates
2205 ::
[yglukhov] templates and discardable
2194 ::
[Araq] Identifier name as a variable
355 ::
[enurlyx] Extract a substring