Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10495 ::
[Araq] High level TUI framework (or wrapper of)
10214 ::
[Araq] Support for Tree-sitter?
9758 ::
[Araq] Parazoa - Immutable, persistent data structures for Nim
9746 ::
[Araq] Nim version 2.0 RC1
9655 ::
[Araq] Choosing Nim out of a crowded market for systems programming languages
9591 ::
[Araq] nim name origin?
9346 ::
[Araq] Threads dying, memory issues?
9333 ::
[sekao] Load Assets From Memory
9256 ::
[Vindaar] Any way to determine the GC at runtime?
9244 ::
[Araq] Nimwave - build TUIs for the terminal, web, and desktop
9238 ::
[Araq] Back to the roots of v2.. and what it could be
9178 ::
[mratsim] Channels documentation
8872 ::
[PMunch] Two-way communication with the new ORC-friendly channels
8866 ::
[dsrw] Nim devroom at FOSDEM this weekend
8827 ::
[treeform] Update on compiling to asmjs or wasm through emscripten...
8777 ::
[moigagoo] Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8759 ::
[Araq] `Result` update
8731 ::
[sekao] Ported C++ OpenGL/GLFW code to NimGL, runs, but geometry seems wrong
8723 ::
[didlybom] A rant about Nim bugs
8696 ::
[doofenstein] What is 'block' in this code
8085 ::
[drkameleon] Change rune at given position, in Unicode string
8072 ::
[slangmgh] Asynchronous processing of http requests vs spawn tasks!
8058 ::
[mrhdias] How to pass a channel between spawned functions?
7987 ::
[enthus1ast] Process input on TUI (illwill)
7983 ::
[Araq] Nim 2.0 -- thoughts
7970 ::
[jyapayne] Show Nim: Pixie now supports text layout and rasterizing, including rich text with styled spans!
7646 ::
[Araq] Nicer function anmes and other identifiers in the JS output
7622 ::
[dom96] async - noob question
7603 ::
[ShinraTensei] ncurses trouble
7534 ::
[enthus1ast] Building games for the web with Emscripten
7422 ::
[Araq] Pararules - A rules engine for games
7221 ::
[treeform] In macros, is there a way to know if a symbol as global?
7218 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] What is the use of reference (ref) types in Nim. What is ref normally used for in Nim?
7075 ::
[coffeepot] Deprecated operators for DateTime private members
7058 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] imgui
6971 ::
[dom96] What Nim projects are you working on?
6948 ::
[treeform] Is Nim good for creating video games?
6905 ::
[treeform] How to statically link libraries?
6766 ::
[dom96] Growth of popularity and Nim community
6765 ::
[dom96] how does `nimble develop` work?
6689 ::
[dsrw] Using the compiler API for hot code reloading
6646 ::
[Araq] Sandboxing untrusted Nimscript code
6475 ::
[jibal] Name of nim file at compile time
6090 ::
[nepeckman] Paravim - a Vim-based editor for Nim
5975 ::
[cblake] How to use integer generics in types?
5948 ::
[ggibson] Paranim and Pararules - my new gamedev libraries
5877 ::
[filcuc] Hot code reloading
5362 ::
[timothee] Out of bounds error when use seq with emscripten