Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11723 ::
[Araq] Nimsuggest and Manjaro Nim installation
10959 ::
[didlybom] Tooling update: new version of the nimlangserver and the vscode extension
10803 ::
[Araq] Is there any working tutorial for setting up debugging in VS Code?
10762 ::
[Araq] Nim Tooling Roadmap
10754 ::
[Araq] Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim
10721 ::
[Araq] Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10627 ::
[Araq] Editor inlay hints?
10596 ::
[juancarlospaco] My experiences with Nim
10517 ::
[Levlan] [newbie] go to definition is not working on vscodium on EndeavourOS(Arch based distro)
10507 ::
[lou15b] Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10459 ::
[doofenstein] nimsaem extension stops working correctly when there's an error in the code
9906 ::
[didlybom] Returning to Nim from Python and Rust
9735 ::
[doofenstein] Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code
9711 ::
[Araq] How should system library support be structured?
9684 ::
[doofenstein] Nimsugest Goes out of control
9499 ::
[rockcavera] Troubles with autocompletion with VSC and third party packages
9299 ::
[geotre] 'go to declaration' for nim extension (JetBrains)
9241 ::
[boia01] how to switch nim version for vscode extension
8766 ::
[Araq] nimsuggest Issue processing ``runnableExamples``
8590 ::
[dom96] Survey Question: flow research
8547 ::
[Araq] NIM IDE
8531 ::
[Araq] Enforced sink argument
8515 ::
[didlybom] The fate of Nim Editors
8231 ::
[Araq] Contexts, scopes and intrinsic types
8226 ::
[pointystick] A regex-based linter for Nim in vscode
8181 ::
[ranedk] Setting up Nim Dev environment in Visual Studio on M1 Mac (with macOS Big Sur)
7752 ::
[Araq] Might there be a better `dotOperators` design?
7664 ::
[Yardanico] F6 on visual studio code
7457 ::
[Araq] What are the latest developments in the Nim compiler?
7422 ::
[Araq] Pararules - A rules engine for games
7385 ::
[enthus1ast] "This Month With Nim"- A Community Showcase
7365 ::
[treeform] What's the preferred way to compile nim to WebAssembly?
7297 ::
[jrfondren] compiling to js but failed, generics not supported?
7290 ::
[zevv] Is it possible to generate a list of all transient dependencies and their sources?
7282 ::
[Araq] Client-side JS with Nim
7269 ::
[Araq] One line comprehension equivalence
7266 ::
[geohuz] NodeJS for Nim
7259 ::
[Araq] Working on a "Pindent" for Nim : gathering suggestions
7250 ::
[Araq] Perceus: Garbage free reference counting with reuse
7242 ::
[Araq] Best IDE-like Nim experience?
7231 ::
[Araq] any way to extra version info from <project>.nimble file?
7144 ::
[Araq] Changer VSCode pour VSCodium
7140 ::
[moigagoo] NimSuggest Not Working with Karax's or Jester's Macros
7119 ::
[Araq] How to hot reload a Jester web app?
7079 ::
[Araq] This brings down the forum!
6900 ::
[Araq] Any attempts at implementing filestream and std lib friends on NodeJs?
6862 ::
[Araq] VS Code Nim Extension in Nim
6838 ::
[saem] Modelling projects for VS Code Extension
6814 ::
[Araq] Cross-compile to Rpi4 :(
6777 ::
[Araq] Attracting more people...
4921 ::
[Araq] Generic methods are deprecated?