Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12494 ::
[matkuki] Easy 2d gaming libs for Nim
12276 ::
[matkuki] Web-application: Where to start?
11687 ::
[matkuki] choosenim: what is the development state?
11616 ::
[matkuki] HappyX web framework got a new sponsor
11060 ::
[matkuki] Tim - A template engine & markup language
10594 ::
[Araq] NIR
10425 ::
[Araq] Demo video of Figuro GUI progress
10420 ::
[Araq] Local bug-tracker (written in Nim or not)
10271 ::
[Araq] NimQML> How to pack resource files or gui files in compiled package
10234 ::
[Araq] Atlas shrugged...
10215 ::
[matkuki] NIM code compile to executable does not run on other systems.
10198 ::
[Araq] Malebogia
9961 ::
[Araq] uing - a fork of ui that wraps libui-ng instead of libui
9948 ::
[Araq] Mixed C / Cpp project structure?
9819 ::
[matkuki] Illformed AST?
9788 ::
[matkuki] Assigning array to itself with different order
9785 ::
[matkuki] nimqt - bindings to Qt
9746 ::
[Araq] Nim version 2.0 RC1
9737 ::
[Araq] Mr. Rumpf, why didn't you went along with the Python standard library?
9688 ::
[Araq] Why is Rust faster than Nim in this CSV parsing example?
9643 ::
[matkuki] Nim 1.6.10 released
9564 ::
[Araq] NimEdit: can it be made compilable with Nim 1.6.8?
9548 ::
[Araq] Nimble is unable to download and install
9524 ::
[Araq] Odd error in ARC when running in Windows
9450 ::
[matkuki] Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?
9352 ::
[filcuc] Where to start with creating direct Qt bindings?
9005 ::
[matkuki] Naylib - yet another raylib wrapper becomes available
8640 ::
[matkuki] Pygments Nim lexer update?
7650 ::
[matkuki] Easiest way to pass data between threads?
7333 ::
[matkuki] How should I get libiup.so on my laptop?
7261 ::
[jlp765] Help neede with IUP in Nim
7161 ::
[rgv151] Ambiguous call?
5380 ::
[sky_khan] pegs: match without guessing openarray size
5259 ::
[matkuki] _MEM.RECALL();, a game for Open Jam 2019 written in Nim
4994 ::
[Araq] 'intVal is not accessible' error?
4859 ::
[matkuki] Compiler selects wrong procedure?
4491 ::
[Araq] Nim development blog
4445 ::
[JohnS] Extract sprite data from old DOS game resource file?
4405 ::
[dom96] iup.getFile fails
4190 ::
[Araq] Pure really removed for enums?
4087 ::
[matkuki] Raspberry pi bare metal - Ultibo and Nim
3996 ::
[Araq] Dynamic library loading on Linux (dlopen)
3991 ::
[LeuGim] Elegant way to convert compiletime seq into const array
3983 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] iup library on Linux problem
3970 ::
[jyapayne] CC Compilation stops for no apparent reason?
3780 ::
[Araq] [SOLVED] string change from 0.18.0 on?
3738 ::
[matkuki] UTF8 problem ?
3615 ::
[Araq] Is it possible to run Python code from Nim?
3501 ::
[yglukhov] [Solved] Nim bindings to a DLL?
3494 ::
[matkuki] [Solved] PDCurses included DLL's
3478 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] No 'hasValue' in tables module?
3458 ::
[Araq] Why is my destructor not called?
3250 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Compile time table keys checking?
3107 ::
[Araq] manual object cleanup?
3061 ::
[Araq] Thoughts on imports
2964 ::
[dom96] Nim Robot the Second
2927 ::
[Araq] [Solved] Python3 extension help needed
2640 ::
[matkuki] Nim Modbus library
2543 ::
[Araq] [Solved] Simple Python extension in Nim?
2341 ::
[Varriount] Windows nim binaries freeze [solved]
2333 ::
[Varriount] [Released on Nimble] nim-chipmunk7 demos
2326 ::
[Varriount] Closures with {.cdecl.} ?
2291 ::
[Araq] C wrapper problem (Windows / Linux)
2284 ::
[Araq] C style enum assignment in Nim
2277 ::
[matkuki] importing in subdirectories
2108 ::
[dom96] Python wrapper pull request!
1896 ::
[matkuki] glut/opengl on windows?