Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
9013 ::
[Araq] How to debug segmentation fault memory issue??
6980 ::
[Araq] handmade hero in nim ( warning: noob)
6753 ::
[Araq] System Programming in 2k20
5230 ::
[Araq] Nim source size
3268 ::
[bpr] object problem - undeclared identifier
3243 ::
[vlad] [Noob] Am I doing string interpolation wrong? [SOLVED]
3211 ::
[dom96] Safe sdl2 wrapper library?
3007 ::
[bvld] Simple neural network written in Nim
2841 ::
[dom96] The Linux Game Jam 2017 - itch.io
2778 ::
[dom96] Writing Python extensions in Nim
2730 ::
[Araq] Nimgame 2
2666 ::
[cblake] unescape \n \r etc in string
2595 ::
[vlad1777d] Import from parent directory
2429 ::
[Vladar] Best 2D game engine for nim?
2198 ::
[Araq] GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper
2112 ::
[yglukhov] invalid command: 'с'
2105 ::
[Araq] Tabulation symbols not allowed
1632 ::
[Araq] I think official sdl2 nim lib is chaos.
1312 ::
[andrea] Library for linear algebra