Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8169 ::
[Araq] Is there a way to build better Nim DSL for plotting?
8095 ::
[geotre] karax: how do I render charts without breaking things?
7997 ::
[jyapayne] JS FFI - getting started
7639 ::
[enthus1ast] iNim is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
6105 ::
[Araq] ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us
5242 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Proposal to start a Nim-Scientific Community
4488 ::
[filip] Functional Programming in Nim
3972 ::
[Araq] A few questions about Nim (Multimethods and Concepts)
2863 ::
[vega] How do I create and raise a custom exception?
2862 ::
[dom96] Nim can be Haskell :-)
2811 ::
[Araq] Nim Syntax ''Skins''
2810 ::
[vega] Can't get generic parameters of ref object in macro
2795 ::
[Araq] Nim core developer wanted
2790 ::
[jlp765] [RFC]: What's wrong with me or with httpclient :-)
2613 ::
[jlp765] nim4Android
2551 ::
[zielmicha] Stream data type
2518 ::
[dom96] Different naming schemes for buffers in I/O
2512 ::
[Araq] Results of our community survey
2498 ::
[dom96] async I/O API: why strings?
2491 ::
[vega] dts2nim: A TypeScript -> Nim bridge
2488 ::
[dom96] asynchttpserver and big request body
2397 ::
[Araq] StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal
2396 ::
[Araq] Concept[T] design question
2391 ::
[yglukhov] Calling Nim compiled to dll from Java programs?
2331 ::
[Araq] What are the important features that are missing in Nim?
2293 ::
[jyapayne] Call macro from macro problem
2255 ::
[Araq] Unify collections
2223 ::
[andrea] ``do notation`` support
2222 ::
[andrea] Nimscript task dependency
2179 ::
[dom96] Asynchronous docker client written by Nim-lang
2169 ::
[vega] xmltools: first release
2144 ::
[vega] The IUP module tray callback function problem
2141 ::
[Jehan] List comprehension
2140 ::
[andrea] Rosencrantz: a DSL to write web servers
2083 ::
[vega] Anyone knows packages about xlsx reader and writer (do not use COM)?
2073 ::
[vega] Big problems with FFI {.resolved.}
2052 ::
[vega] Problem with deepCopy and threads
1998 ::
[vega] Is IUP still supported?
1873 ::
[Jehan] ffi and system.compiles proc
1826 ::
[Araq] String type in js target
1808 ::
[Araq] The value of nnkCommentStmt node
1785 ::
[Araq] Windows XP Quirk
1725 ::
[andrea] Static parameter generated in compile time
1696 ::
[vega] How to get the declared type of the field in macro?
1666 ::
[Araq] Time for new nim rlease?
1665 ::
[zielmicha] Small steps in sequtils
1649 ::
[vega] how to configure the Emacs of the nim language???
1647 ::
[Orion] mySeq.map(x => x+1) update
1634 ::
[Araq] JVM backend
1630 ::
[Araq] How to generate {.gensym.} variable in a macro for a template?
1616 ::
[jlp765] map/mapIt (now with benchmarks)
1544 ::
[Araq] NimScript
1479 ::
[Jehan] How to get access to object's type info at compile time
1464 ::
[Araq] What about lib/wrappers?
1462 ::
[def] [SOLVED] What's wrong with instantiationInfo
1451 ::
[Araq] Generic lambdas
1080 ::
[def] module namespaces