Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12628 ::
[Araq] is there a mixin() function in nim ?
12619 ::
[Araq] Spaces around operators matters
10588 ::
[Araq] trying to parallelize zippy file extraction on Windows
10457 ::
[xigoi] Allowed key types in std/tables
10449 ::
[didlybom] Pure Nim FFT library
10377 ::
[Araq] A few (perhaps naive) questions
10146 ::
[cblake] fetching data from many small .txt files
10123 ::
[Araq] EU Cyber Resilience Act impact on Open Source community
9763 ::
[Vindaar] csv column type setting
9515 ::
[Araq] how to properly init a Table of seq
9473 ::
[cblake] collecting keys and randomly picking values from tables
9388 ::
[dom96] Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries
9208 ::
[sky_khan] Please help me understand the performance difference between Nim/Rust in this (contrived) example
9194 ::
[cblake] passing tab separator as option value
9164 ::
[dom96] Beware: phishing attempts on Nim users (PSA)
9148 ::
[Araq] Hello Javascript!
9110 ::
[Araq] Seeking advices for a C programming book
8958 ::
[Araq] linux moving to C11
8910 ::
[Symb0lica] To have nre regex usage
8902 ::
[bpr] Nim FAQ
8868 ::
[cblake] Benchmarking
8861 ::
[treeform] zlib.h: No such file or directory error on Windows
7874 ::
[Araq] Why learn NIM
7848 ::
[Araq] XML parsing performance