Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11314 ::
[ggibson] os:windows but nim puts 'lpthread'
11277 ::
[gremlin-art] nim2_ide: Notepad++ plug-in (IDE for Nim lang)
10959 ::
[didlybom] Tooling update: new version of the nimlangserver and the vscode extension
10787 ::
[Araq] Enhancing Nim vtable implementation vs subtype checking
10546 ::
[rockcavera] Workaround to use multiples asynchronous sockets on Windows (to bypass OSError 10038 and 10055).
10538 ::
[rockcavera] Learning Nim: Write an Interpreter [Episode 01]
10431 ::
[PMunch] Nim2.0 how to build dll without dependency of libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
10299 ::
[gentius] GUI app with nim
10287 ::
[Araq] Building 1.6 on RHEL 7 on POWER (pp64le)?
10091 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Speeding up compile times
9788 ::
[matkuki] Assigning array to itself with different order
9759 ::
[arnetheduck] How to further speed up the build of your Nim's projects (using ccache)
9721 ::
[mratsim] BigNum and BigInt timings on the Pollard Rho algorithm
9678 ::
[moigagoo] Advent of Nim 2022
9574 ::
[Araq] Nim 1.6.10 release candidate
9499 ::
[rockcavera] Troubles with autocompletion with VSC and third party packages
9451 ::
[dsrw] Nim 1.6.8 release candidate
9446 ::
[dom96] libpe & peni - Portable Executable parsing lib & tool released
9443 ::
[rockcavera] Cannot run nimble on windows
9357 ::
[auxym] Getting compile command in compile time.
9268 ::
[dom96] If imported name conflicts with Nim keyword, what would you call it?
9254 ::
[treeform] Deploy DLLs
8916 ::
[Araq] Using Nim for system libraries?
8897 ::
[Araq] Questions about creating dll with Nim
8839 ::
[Araq] Nim 1.6.4 release candidate
8777 ::
[moigagoo] Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8736 ::
[Araq] Original source of Mingw64
8710 ::
[Araq] Nim devel now supports Nimble 0.14
8677 ::
[cblake] TinyCC/tcc vs zig cc compile-times/etc.
8665 ::
[dom96] Question: How to limit concurrent async futures?
8560 ::
[didlybom] Nimsuggest issue with the VS Code extension and nim 1.6.0
8439 ::
[Araq] --gc:orc when is it usable (huge compile times)
8154 ::
[Ward] Windows : how to get active window title
8113 ::
[rockcavera] NiGui - thread issue - what am I doing wrong ?
8067 ::
[Araq] high(Natural) == high(int)
7885 ::
[Araq] Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml
7864 ::
[mratsim] nint128 - 128-bit integers
7795 ::
[PMunch] lost thread? (Fastest method for writing and loading cached binary object data to file)
7764 ::
[moigagoo] Testing/Feedback for Neel 0.4.0 development
7551 ::
[Araq] SSL/TLS certifictae issues with Nim 1.4.4?
7494 ::
[Araq] Nim 1.2.10 RC and 1.4.4 RC
7320 ::
[Araq] Executing command in hidden console
7309 ::
[Araq] DumpIncludes - See where your exe size comes from.
7270 ::
[rockcavera] Domain Name System (DNS) protocol and client for Nim
7104 ::
[treeform] Cross compile on WIndows 64bits for Windows 32 bits
7068 ::
[treeform] To slice or to stream?
6971 ::
[dom96] What Nim projects are you working on?
6649 ::
[Araq] call-by-value Y combinator
5962 ::
[juancarlospaco] Nim new Playground/Pastebin of Spanish group
5814 ::
[Araq] ELI5: newruntime and arc
5657 ::
[Araq] Recommended GUI library?
5490 ::
[demotomohiro] Using different compilers on windows
5353 ::
[nnahito] Cannot extract ZIP on Windows 10
2724 ::
[Araq] Why aren't uin64 and usize ordinal types?