Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11639 ::
[geotre] karax, redraw a textarea
10719 ::
[Araq] thread process can not change text buffer
10441 ::
[Araq] Mastering Nim 2.0
10123 ::
[Araq] EU Cyber Resilience Act impact on Open Source community
10016 ::
[Araq] module "uing", widget Table: How to add rows from string-sequence
9961 ::
[Araq] uing - a fork of ui that wraps libui-ng instead of libui
9800 ::
[geotre] Is there a way to print the documents without printing the rest of the html?
9449 ::
[Araq] how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9302 ::
[Araq] Owlkettle 2.0.0 is a declarative GUI framwork for GTK 4
9291 ::
[treeform] fidget: How does the layout system work (what is this orgBox?)
8815 ::
[boia01] Topfew - a Nim port of Tim Bray's logfile utility
8776 ::
[Araq] a thought about faster iteration
8609 ::
[Araq] proc doSomething(msg="", opt=-1)
8327 ::
[Yardanico] weird error message
8284 ::
[alexeypetrushin] Data Notebook in Nim | PL0T
8268 ::
[Araq] Mac GUI
8167 ::
[Araq] Execute process without waiting for the result
8141 ::
[Araq] C++ (new) modules vs. Nim modules
8088 ::
[Araq] NimVM eventually get replaced?
8015 ::
[Araq] Making Concepts more smooth?
7063 ::
[Araq] Capturing a context variable in public procs
6602 ::
[Araq] Has anybody been able to install Nim from source (from the Git repo) using Mingw64 under Windows 10?
6509 ::
[Araq] New blog post: Ray tracing in Nim
6404 ::
[Araq] Justification for auto type
6108 ::
[Ward] wNim and Threading
5971 ::
[DeletedUser] Help to create a template/macro that reads small chunks of data from a stream.
5874 ::
[Araq] Unicode support for Windows 10 console
5759 ::
[dom96] Game unlock gui written with gintro
5304 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Nim Coding Examples and Exercises for beginners?
5269 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] NIM in action offline resources
4964 ::
[Araq] What prevents you from using Nim as your main programming language?
4906 ::
[Araq] Questions about strscans library
4716 ::
[Araq] Passing a pointer to an array to a c function!
4547 ::
[Araq] Nim and Project Euler
4042 ::
[andrea] quit considered evil: bypasses `defer` and `try/catch/finally` which might do important cleanups
3917 ::
[Araq] Nim beginners tutorial
3888 ::
[dom96] Some Tactics For Increasing Nim Popularity
3652 ::
[mratsim] nim/ui
3600 ::
[Araq] Can we use warmer names?
3341 ::
[lambda414] nim-lang ui not working with vcc on windows
2934 ::
[dom96] Nim added to the CSV Game benchmark
2481 ::
[exhu] Documentation colour theme
2394 ::
[Araq] c2nim (forked from Partial casing is foo_bar)
2080 ::
[LeuGim] SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) 2
2056 ::
[dom96] http unexpected disconnect
1762 ::
[Araq] Proposal of new functions in stdlib
1708 ::
[Araq] Upcoming breaking changes
1637 ::
[Araq] A python developer looks into rust and briefly compares it nim
1475 ::
[dom96] Please make site background color lighter
1020 ::
[Araq] any chance of changing 'echo' to print/println?
965 ::
[Araq] Floating-point epsilon
867 ::
[Araq] Conditional compilation for different systems
596 ::
[Varriount] cpp --threads:on error
442 ::
[Araq] Getting max speed for an algorithm