Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
2373 ::
[mapdog] importc varargs type
2261 ::
[dom96] Will nim be as fast as c or c++?
2178 ::
[Araq] Set operator prececedence
2177 ::
[def] Operators with words
1409 ::
[Araq] Patty - A pattern matching library
1235 ::
[Araq] String formatting and interpolation library
1167 ::
[Jehan] Non-C style tests with =
1166 ::
[dom96] Braces for object literals
818 ::
[gradha] what is the equivalent to sizeof() in nim?
814 ::
[Araq] Google Summer of Code 2015
794 ::
[dom96] Better type mismatch warning
793 ::
[Araq] Warning for shadowed symbols?
786 ::
[mapdog] nim2haxe?
784 ::
[Araq] Sequences and heap
767 ::
[Varriount] Implement others stdlibs
766 ::
[Orion] For in using iterator class
755 ::
[Will_Rubin] "A Quick Comparison of Nim vs. Rust" by Arthur Liao
751 ::
[Araq] {.shallow.}, shallowCopy, and memory safety
737 ::
[Araq] Perl 6, Rust, Nim
735 ::
[Araq] "=" on ref T, string and seq
708 ::
[Araq] Immutable/let ptr
707 ::
[Varriount] addr() equivalent for ref?
689 ::
[LeuGim] let declaration
655 ::
[Araq] Re: Can't get addr in proc
644 ::
[Araq] Strong spaces
642 ::
[LeuGim] Online Nim Compiler
597 ::
[Araq] Rust enums and match
596 ::
[Varriount] cpp --threads:on error
592 ::
[Araq] Have word "Pascal" in name?
583 ::
[Araq] Dependent types macros?
564 ::
[h3rald] really need search for this forum
560 ::
[Araq] New comment syntax
323 ::
[Araq] Option returns