Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11582 ::
[jrfondren] Polymorphism in Nim
11533 ::
[doofenstein] How do I emulate ruby's super() for a subclass object's constructor.
11508 ::
[DMisener] Help storing *reference* instead of copy in an object constructor.
11457 ::
[PMunch] Odd Segfault when using dynlib
10799 ::
[Araq] Ptr byte to cstring?
10768 ::
[mashingan] SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) in coroutines
10651 ::
[treeform] please who can explain this code
10647 ::
[sky_khan] Should conversion outside of a range result in a Defect
10645 ::
[Araq] Nim Community Survey 2023
10607 ::
[stbalbach] Detect replacement/binary characters?
10437 ::
[Araq] Inferring type of zero-sized collection from usage
10376 ::
[Ward] Dark Theme Problem in Nim Manual
9917 ::
[Araq] nim birthday?
9815 ::
[freeflow] strutils: mapIt: empty seq gives index error
9809 ::
[jrfondren] Some beginner help needed with "or" vs "|" and use in nimraylib_now ...
9805 ::
[Araq] Official Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon) account?
9801 ::
[DeletedUser] Array concatenation
9797 ::
[Araq] Regex error - "Error: missing closing ' for character literal"
9796 ::
[bung] split nim site documentation to 2 parts
9770 ::
[Araq] Is setControlCHook still supported ?
9768 ::
[Araq] Parallel Fibonacci
9724 ::
[Araq] Nim Static linking OpenSSL issue with fork()
9718 ::
[Araq] strictNotNil and bogus “cannot prove” errors
9688 ::
[Araq] Why is Rust faster than Nim in this CSV parsing example?
9556 ::
[jrfondren] "Mastering Nim" - errata?
9549 ::
[Araq] Tips on how to avoid Nim pointer instability bugs?
9342 ::
[arnetheduck] How to get just the first N bytes with httpclient ?
9337 ::
[exelotl] string of compressed source code
9331 ::
[jrfondren] let variable is not gc safe
9327 ::
[dom96] downloading big files
9259 ::
[Araq] Mastering Nim: A complete guide to the programming language
8057 ::
[DarkBlue] Unidecode
7399 ::
[jrfondren] how to detect Chinese character with regex?
7297 ::
[jrfondren] compiling to js but failed, generics not supported?
7295 ::
[Araq] asynchttpserver basic-usage with error
7291 ::
[cblake] terminal.nim says i don't have a true color term (but it's wrong)
7275 ::
[Araq] Why is my program so much slower in Nim than in Rust?
7252 ::
[Araq] IS there any beginner friendly tutorial for nim with examples like "Python crash course" etc.?
7249 ::
[jrfondren] startProcess help (2)
7241 ::
[Araq] let vs var for a sequence inside a proc
7240 ::
[Araq] Question about dup syntax
7223 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Newbie: Small program fails in "-d:release" but works with plain build
7211 ::
[zevv] Method/Procedure that returns values of multiple types?
7179 ::
[Araq] Nim (1.4 ORC) v.s. Rust in terms of safety?
7143 ::
[dom96] Example of a simply UDP client
7062 ::
[dataPulverizer] Issue with compile time evaluation
7052 ::
[cblake] conditional expressions don't work in a formatted string
7039 ::
[SolitudeSF] SIGILL: Illegal operation with an var parameter
7038 ::
[Araq] let versus var with objects
7013 ::
[dom96] Nim update failure
6968 ::
[Araq] Problem with orc/arc in parallel_count practice
6959 ::
[anta40] Nim on MacOS: annoying macos cannot verify....
6955 ::
[SolitudeSF] Tuple unpacking and '_' - not being discarded?
6952 ::
[timothee] 1.4.0 failed with old-ish gcc because of NIM_STATIC_ASSERT bug
4858 ::
[Libman] [Challenge]How short or efficient can you make this code?
4853 ::
[treeform] Problem trying to compress the http response data!
4818 ::
[Libman] "First natively compiled language with hot code-reloading at runtime"
4817 ::
[Araq] Alternatives to using an object variant type with a duplicate field name across branches?
4804 ::
[dom96] Handling EOF asynchronously?
65 ::
[dom96] Line feeds and newlines