Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8866 ::
[dsrw] Nim devroom at FOSDEM this weekend
7881 ::
[jrenner] Is it possible to have an embedded Nimscript interpreter when compiling with --app:lib ?
7820 ::
[jrenner] When to use nim.cfg vs config.nims?
4070 ::
[jrenner] Configuring Neovim
3944 ::
[yglukhov] Nim SimplePNG
3919 ::
[Araq] Has Nim (and nim generated C code) had Coverity static analysis done to it?
3901 ::
[dom96] Your experience with GoDot (and Nim)
3873 ::
[Araq] optimizing returning a proc parameter as the result
3869 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Tuples vs Objects vs Ref Objects?
3817 ::
[boia01] Is there a "create" keyword?
3814 ::
[Jehan] Why is Nim so slow in this "Completely Unscientific Benchmark"?
3284 ::
[dom96] Nim T-shirts and mugs now available
2110 ::
[rgv151] This bug made me think of Nim
1651 ::
[jrenner] Chip-8 Interpreter (another one)
1460 ::
[dom96] Better compiler error messages about immutable types