12603 ::
Trying to reset my password in this forum - Gives me "Couldn't send email"
11430 ::
good day everyone does jester have support for google oauth?
11175 ::
a chat app please recommend necessary libraries
10234 ::
Atlas shrugged...
10223 ::
Platonic: core math concepts
9764 ::
Javascript backend and implicit cstring conversions
9687 ::
Forum subscription feature
9683 ::
Show Nim: Mummy, a new HTTP + WebSocket server that returns to the ancient ways of threads
9646 ::
Atomic ARC option?
9241 ::
how to switch nim version for vscode extension
9167 ::
How to avoid memory capture violation during addExitProc capture?
8820 ::
Setting finalizer on object hierarchy won't compile with --gc:arc
8815 ::
Topfew - a Nim port of Tim Bray's logfile utility
8573 ::
Is there a multithreaded HTTP library?
8251 ::
Guidance on Isolating Memory Leak
8204 ::
Awaitable threadpools
8005 ::
Transpile Nim to Dart/Flutter?
7905 ::
How does Nim ARC/ORC compare to Rust?
7816 ::
Nim on raspberry PI
7798 ::
Generic type parameters and inheritance
7751 ::
Multi-threaded features needed for Server
7740 ::
static tuple generic parameter
7708 ::
Initializing subclassed objects, like C++ Constructors
7703 ::
How to use global immutable variables in Threads?
7667 ::
Found article on concurrency: "Go statement considered harmful"
7655 ::
How do I share a hash table among multiple processes to store temporary http sessions?
7621 ::
Criticism of Parallel Nim
7591 ::
Nimview - a lightweight UI helper
7555 ::
how to convert @[1..5] to @[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]?
7470 ::
Help needed: Deadlock during allocShared0
7397 ::
Help with Nim concurrency – data not persisted
7393 ::
Call `result.new` automatically in `proc`?
6978 ::
Isolated [T]
5906 ::
Error compiling Rosencrantz with --gc:arc
5734 ::
Introducing --gc:arc
5698 ::
libgpiod wrapper uploaded to github
5342 ::
How to turn thread spawn call into an async call [redux; Nim 1.0.0]
5338 ::
question sur les struct or tuple
5258 ::
Rewrite daemonic CMS to NIM?
4921 ::
Generic methods are deprecated?
4840 ::
Show: dali — a pure-Nim indie assembler for Android .dex & .apk files
4795 ::
Not-so-distinct types
4571 ::
Modified version of Kru02's interfaced
4305 ::
Need gzopen(filename, mode...) proc with similar behaviour to open(filename, mode...)
4296 ::
`import foo {.private.}` to allows access to private fields (eg: package-level visibility)
4255 ::
Advice Module Publication
4250 ::
I'm to stupid for Jester's public folder!
4246 ::
0.19.0 pegs regression?
4245 ::
Version 0.19.0 is out
4218 ::
Registration mechanism sucks and the compiler sucks too?
4182 ::
Fastest way to write strings at runtime
4145 ::
Some fun with GC
4110 ::
Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural
3992 ::
getting started question, jester vs. karax?
3896 ::
How to define shared sequence correctly?
3828 ::
Nim-based IoT thermostat
3817 ::
Is there a "create" keyword?
3815 ::
My first Nim project and questions about Nim's ecosystem (for DevOps)
3785 ::
clarification: overloading is strictly on parameter types?
3778 ::
Problems with Bounty Source: unable to make recurring donations
3711 ::
atomic and ref pointer
3683 ::
How to dealloc complex object correctly?
3642 ::
Structural typing hack PoC
3638 ::
Natural type and overloaded procs
3620 ::
How to rewrite this C++ code to Nim properly
3591 ::
Looking for efficient API for regexp library
3570 ::
for loop and pairs question, explanation needed
3519 ::
How to make covariance ?
3508 ::
How to call runForever()?
3503 ::
os.putEnv limited to application's scope?
3498 ::
Cannot instantiate `StackObj`
3491 ::
Issue with typedesc & type parameters
3488 ::
File, FileStream, and GZFileStream
3425 ::
Making a RESTful JSON API
3411 ::
How does a "Table" find the "hash()" proc of a type?
3403 ::
How to clean up native resources properly.
3390 ::
Multi-threaded reverse-proxy in jester
3386 ::
Nim t-shirt (San Francisco)
3385 ::
Anonymous iterators
3380 ::
Thread vs Async for long running task
3377 ::
feedback on macro
3375 ::
How to define a global proc pointer/value, used by threads?
3372 ::
local-heap/multi-threading not working as I expect
3366 ::
A wish for Nim conferences
3326 ::
question about templates / namespaces / modules
3268 ::
object problem - undeclared identifier
3261 ::
Fastest way to count number of lines
3231 ::
How to use ropes module efficiently?
3198 ::
perfomance of set/hashset operation between python and nim
3078 ::
+ won't take two different types
2999 ::
2544 ::
Any new roadmap for 1.0 coming?
2409 ::
What's the Best Way to Start a Server, Receive Data, Stop the Server, and Return the Data?
2396 ::
Concept[T] design question
2334 ::
Rosencrantz 0.2 is out
2262 ::
Async requests
2213 ::
Recursive constructor?
1724 ::
1207 ::
when to use 'ref object' vs plain 'object'