Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10866 ::
[PMunch] 9999999999999999.0 – 9999999999999998.0
10850 ::
[Araq] `nph` opinionated formatter v0.3
10793 ::
[Araq] `nph` opinonated formatter v0.2
10757 ::
[Araq] Can Nim interact with the hardware at a lower level than the C programming language?
10756 ::
[Araq] How does 'nim secret' actually work?
10754 ::
[Araq] Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim
10736 ::
[kobi] hardware-software interaction in Nim
10658 ::
[Araq] os:any vs os:standalone
10277 ::
[auxym] Embedded: svd2nim for read/write of ARM Cortex micros
10275 ::
[auxym] volatile_store codegen error ?
10273 ::
[Araq] Library for tracking pressed keys
10270 ::
[jibal] How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
10263 ::
[Araq] Can Nim be considered an independent language?
10212 ::
[mratsim] Replicate python code in nim
10144 ::
[mratsim] Ed25519 signing for nim
10143 ::
[auxym] Can I download Nim on my iOS or Android device?
10120 ::
[auxym] Is there still interest to develop INim or are there better Nim REPL?
10006 ::
[PMunch] Moderator updates
9998 ::
[cblake] Export C library components when using `--app:lib`
9990 ::
[zevv] Example of simple parser?
9927 ::
[auxym] How do I detect/guess the encoding used in a text file?
9909 ::
[cblake] Is it possible to only compile the linked modules but not the executable?
9903 ::
[rgv151] Leaving out type names during compilation
9895 ::
[PMunch] Is there a way to automatically find the path to nimbase.h when installed with choosenim?
9893 ::
[PMunch] Expose static nim library to DLL
9868 ::
[Araq] what's with deepCopy?
9841 ::
[auxym] how to convert to pure c++ code and how do i do classification prediction on my project? am new
9831 ::
[mratsim] Numerical libraries for data science
9802 ::
[Araq] Question about async programming
9759 ::
[arnetheduck] How to further speed up the build of your Nim's projects (using ccache)
9752 ::
[Araq] Formal verification in Nim using COQ and other proof assistants
9738 ::
[DeletedUser] Looking for resources about more complex generics, comptime type construction, etc.
9735 ::
[doofenstein] Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code
9721 ::
[mratsim] BigNum and BigInt timings on the Pollard Rho algorithm
9678 ::
[moigagoo] Advent of Nim 2022
9663 ::
[Araq] Do you have to use 'ref' for the field types within ref objects?
9652 ::
[Araq] Best way for ipc between a rust app and Nim app?
9647 ::
[moigagoo] Looking for a pair programming partner / coach
9545 ::
[Araq] Declaring an uninitialized seq & avoid unnecessary zero-mem's
9543 ::
[Araq] Nim 2: What’s special about Task?
9531 ::
[treeform] How do I turn binary file data into hex representation
9509 ::
[Araq] How to declare a varible in a case statement for use afterwrads
9500 ::
[konradmb] How to chain anonymous proc with UFCS?
9497 ::
[auxym] How to properly typecheck a variable number of array args?
9491 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] To `ref` or not to `ref` on embedded?
9480 ::
[DeletedUser] Return multiple "flat" nodes from a macro
9446 ::
[dom96] libpe & peni - Portable Executable parsing lib & tool released
9442 ::
[auxym] Writing byte array to FileStream - best approaches?
9430 ::
[DeletedUser] How to have multiple (alternate) return types?
9423 ::
[DeletedUser] Hello World with --mm:none and --warningAsError:GcMem
9407 ::
[radsoc] Recursively replace pair of bytes with one byte, within given byte array
9395 ::
[dom96] Ideas for useful/cute little GUI programs?
9394 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] When do we use pass & return by ref if everything behind the scenes is by-pointer anyway?
9357 ::
[auxym] Getting compile command in compile time.
9337 ::
[exelotl] string of compressed source code
9055 ::
[federico3] Newbie questions about Nim, Python, XCB
9051 ::
[alexsad] Very need to understand of locks and condition
9033 ::
[demotomohiro] How do we preallocate string as element of array as this is..
8959 ::
[auxym] Embedded STM32 - Bare Metal Bootstrap
8937 ::
[PMunch] variable has incomplete type: struct...
8914 ::
[mratsim] Preallocating multi-dimensioanal sequence i.e. variable size array
8886 ::
[PMunch] To insert regex pattern into another
8850 ::
[Nycto] How to find bottlenecks?
8647 ::
[Araq] Nim Community Survey 2021
8597 ::
[auxym] How to convert hexstring to bytes array?
8551 ::
[auxym] How to pass a "plain type" to a proc that expects a "ref type" in Nim ?
8451 ::
[Araq] Futhark: Automatic C imports in Nim using libclang
8443 ::
[Araq] Thoughts on pure Nim api for SPI & I2C device access?
8368 ::
[Araq] String expression parsing
8357 ::
[auxym] Nested macro expansion order
8338 ::
[demotomohiro] Puzzle questions and solutions
8215 ::
[Araq] Idiomatic Nim code for 2D Poisson simulation
8140 ::
[Araq] Why does Nim compiler allways depends on another's language compiler?
7731 ::
[Araq] More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)
6844 ::
[Araq] config files: Nimscript and Nim compiler documentation inconsistency
6060 ::
[cblake] Can if statements be used as expressions everywhere?
4416 ::
[cblake] Advent of Code 2018 megathread
3548 ::
[c0ntribut0r] Get location of nimcache folder at compile time