Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10179 ::
[ElegantBeef] Package update issue
10178 ::
[PMunch] Few async tools for nim
10176 ::
[jackhftang] How can I create a process completely detached of my process?
10166 ::
[Araq] locks on dynamically allocated memory
10164 ::
[xendi] Arch package not up-to-date with 1.16.12
9829 ::
[doofenstein] 32 vs 64 bits
9786 ::
[Araq] A serious documentation for Nim
9777 ::
[Araq] Roadmap 2023
9770 ::
[Araq] Is setControlCHook still supported ?
9765 ::
[Araq] try-catch misbehavior
9760 ::
[forcefaction] What is a RollingFileLogger
9754 ::
[DeletedUser] How to move variable to other thread
9684 ::
[doofenstein] Nimsugest Goes out of control
9680 ::
[Araq] Upcoming standard library changes
9473 ::
[cblake] collecting keys and randomly picking values from tables
9461 ::
[solo989] Turning a tuple to json
9454 ::
[Yardanico] Strange issue with readline
9426 ::
[archnim] Discreet Command Execution
9391 ::
[archnim] Math graphics in Nim
9148 ::
[Araq] Hello Javascript!
9147 ::
[xigoi] Var + varargs = 🤯
9145 ::
[gokr] Why I left the Nim community
9134 ::
[PMunch] Async proves to be a bit tricky
9119 ::
[enthus1ast] static binaries
9118 ::
[DeletedUser] Varargs limitation
9117 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Program level variables
9114 ::
[dom96] Installing choosenim (on Windows) on a custom folder does not seem to work
9111 ::
[PMunch] Compiler ignores my `if` a throws an error
9110 ::
[Araq] Seeking advices for a C programming book
9101 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Strange ambiguous call error
9100 ::
[miran] Nim 1.6.6 release candidate
9081 ::
[Araq] System.sink & System.lent
9077 ::
[Yardanico] My history on Nim forum
9076 ::
[PMunch] Managing binary data
8849 ::
[dom96] Is there a HTTPS enabled HTTP server in Nim?
8841 ::
[ElegantBeef] Sleep in Nimscript
8828 ::
[federico3] Privacy offensive - remove Google Analytics from the Nim website
8707 ::
[ftsf] Nim to lib
8694 ::
[dom96] Improve forum
8693 ::
[cblake] Nim script file extension
8578 ::
[Araq] Nim interpreter
8562 ::
[didlybom] Forum issue when creating a thread
8550 ::
[Araq] AI in Nim
8149 ::
[Araq] harmony os
7816 ::
[boia01] Nim on raspberry PI
7288 ::
[juancarlospaco] toBin
7251 ::
[Araq] Nim for mobile
7247 ::
[lqdev] Create my own language in Nim
6915 ::
[lqdev] It's time to make Nim known ! ✊✊✊✊
6914 ::
[Araq] Double for loops
6905 ::
[treeform] How to statically link libraries?
6902 ::
[Araq] Dual behavior
6899 ::
[timothee] Multiline conditions
6878 ::
[Araq] Library for making lightweight Electron-like HTML/JS GUI applications
6796 ::
[Araq] Should a function that's called many times return Table or ref Table?
6795 ::
[mratsim] Generics constrain with numbers
6791 ::
[solo989] Extending a generic varags proc
6790 ::
[jcosborn] Generics constrain with two types
6759 ::
[Araq] What about simplifying if-else statements ?
6758 ::
[jibal] How can i separate the integer part of a number from its decimal part ?
2819 ::
[jlp765] REPL?
1632 ::
[Araq] I think official sdl2 nim lib is chaos.
757 ::
[Araq] non-echoing input? (password input)