Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10654 ::
[Araq] overload operator `+=` for private member
10639 ::
[Araq] proc/func/method: syntax
10545 ::
[Araq] Nim boilerplate
10332 ::
[SolitudeSF] Table lookup problem
10199 ::
[PMunch] macro compile-time comparison with define-pragmas
9737 ::
[Araq] Mr. Rumpf, why didn't you went along with the Python standard library?
9698 ::
[DeletedUser] Get time at compile-time
9525 ::
[Araq] Ways to tweak the output of the JavaScript backend
9146 ::
[Yardanico] Wierd behaviour with table
9129 ::
[demotomohiro] AI’s opinions on Nim
9111 ::
[PMunch] Compiler ignores my `if` a throws an error
9104 ::
[PMunch] Hopefully simple Nim syntax question
9019 ::
[Araq] Simple linked list questions: Correct proc signature for first()
8880 ::
[Araq] best practice or guidelines on using log in a library?
8813 ::
[aEverr] closure and for loop problem
8797 ::
[Araq] Thoughts on error vs fatal log levels?
8726 ::
[enthus1ast] What approach can I use to fix a number of parameters in some functions?
8706 ::
[SolitudeSF] Error: identifier expected, but got: paramStr(1)
8692 ::
[Araq] More nim newbie woes, this time echo fmt Possible AOC2021 spoiler
8609 ::
[Araq] proc doSomething(msg="", opt=-1)
8596 ::
[Araq] Indentation in Nim
8591 ::
[Araq] include std/prelude vs import std/prelude (and other small prelude oddities)
8515 ::
[didlybom] The fate of Nim Editors
8437 ::
[mashingan] Direct I2C device access with pure Nim
8365 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Does Nim have anything equivalent to Ruby's puts, or Python's print, or Perl's say?
8333 ::
[Araq] A look at Dart's null safety syntax
8244 ::
[demotomohiro] Template or macro for heterogeneous tuple expressions?
8042 ::
[Demos] documentation for the `do` keyword?
8021 ::
[aEverr] How to get the compile time as a const string?
7727 ::
[Araq] Why is there no compile error when accessing uninitialize variable
7618 ::
[juancarlospaco] Splat operator in Nim?
7589 ::
[drkameleon] Sorting array by object key
7501 ::
[tbutton] echo doesn't work correctly
7121 ::
[Araq] Why does JSON serializing a table not work properly?
6748 ::
[Varriount] Alternative to float
6728 ::
[Araq] How to know where a proc is defined - or: Newbie tries to get used to unqualified imports
6611 ::
[cblake] "||" operator ? : Is there a corresponding operator for iterables ?