Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12151 ::
[Neodim] Raspbian 32 bit Nim compiling problem
11644 ::
[Trustable] Pixie and NiGui
11424 ::
[Neodim] iup gui: Load jpeg
10871 ::
[Araq] unhandled exception: index -1 not in 0 .. 12 [IndexDefect]
10515 ::
[didlybom] ImPlot library
10299 ::
[gentius] GUI app with nim
8859 ::
[exelotl] Defer within async dispatch
8554 ::
[Araq] HTTP header for cgi script under Apache
8437 ::
[mashingan] Direct I2C device access with pure Nim
8422 ::
[jyapayne] Beginer problem: Combine and alternate list
8409 ::
[Araq] What is the status of Nim IUP?
8366 ::
[miran] What's Nim's equivalent of Python's append() method for lists?
8364 ::
[Araq] a == b == c format
8284 ::
[alexeypetrushin] Data Notebook in Nim | PL0T
8268 ::
[Araq] Mac GUI
8199 ::
[PMunch] Nim library for stream video processing?
7928 ::
[Araq] Sequence item del vs. delete?
7896 ::
[shirleyquirk] CRC16 checksum calculation
7567 ::
[teroz] SQLite getRow data changing
7321 ::
[Araq] Native GUI development for MacOS
6071 ::
[federico3] Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices
5657 ::
[Araq] Recommended GUI library?