Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
7374 ::
[drkameleon] Experimenting with an SQLite-based portable graph DB engine
7016 ::
[PMunch] Handle missing library at runtime?
7012 ::
[cblake] Get all procs in given module
6956 ::
[Araq] Passing X to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy
6955 ::
[SolitudeSF] Tuple unpacking and '_' - not being discarded?
6954 ::
[timothee] push/pop hints on/off not working?
6934 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Localized sorting library?
6926 ::
[shirleyquirk] Non-blocking async HTTP server
6917 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Emdedding text in binary - post-compilation
6901 ::
[cblake] Differentiate between system and user modules
6893 ::
[cantanima] Defects vs Exceptions
6874 ::
[SolitudeSF] Assignment in if condition
6871 ::
[Araq] Looking for collaborators!
6837 ::
[shirleyquirk] Disable Warning or Hints from system libraries only?
6836 ::
[SolitudeSF] Impact of "UnusedImport"s
6834 ::
[mratsim] Electron-like app with Nim
6801 ::
[Araq] how to package C-only project on macOS?
6800 ::
[Araq] Compilation for different macOS version
6794 ::
[mratsim] Calling templates with untyped params
6764 ::
[shirleyquirk] Regex replace with callback?
6754 ::
[Araq] How to achieve better performance with arc GC?
6747 ::
[Yardanico] nimDecRefIsLast and EXC_BAD_ACCESS:
6746 ::
[mratsim] Trouble using parallel
6745 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Observing value changes
6741 ::
[Araq] Recognizing non-ASCII characters in lexbase-based lexer
6732 ::
[jibal] Handling in-place functions efficiently
6706 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Empty c-style array
6704 ::
[Araq] Table with different types of values?
6698 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] inline vs template vs simple proc
6694 ::
[jibal] observable stores to 'x'
6693 ::
[Araq] General recommendation for optimum performance?
6691 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] programmatically create variable in context, using template
6681 ::
[shirleyquirk] passing 'p.cmds[p.idx]' to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy
6677 ::
[Araq] Passing string to C code with --gc:arc
6676 ::
[jibal] Object destroyed after editing enum property?