Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12626 ::
[mantielero] gintro / owlkettle i18n internationalization
11701 ::
[Araq] varargs pragma - expanding a seq[cint]
11664 ::
[PMunch] Wrapping ESP-IDF for embedded - Futhark - PlatformIO
11649 ::
[mantielero] Issue with some C++ code that; maybe a bug?
11627 ::
[mantielero] ffmpeg6.nim bindings for FFmpeg v6.x
11550 ::
[PMunch] Issue with C array
11413 ::
[Araq] FFI - memory management issues
11242 ::
[mantielero] JS bindings question - Quill
11232 ::
[PMunch] Tesseract and Leptonica
10895 ::
[Araq] About the Nim official documentation update.
10838 ::
[mantielero] karax - embedding stylesheet
10835 ::
[Araq] Maybe nappgui is best cross platform gui lib for nim
10825 ::
[mantielero] std/htmlgen first paragraph
10792 ::
[mantielero] zig issue
10780 ::
[mratsim] scinim - how to contribute a package
10745 ::
[PMunch] fmu.nim - my first FMU working with OpenModelica
10729 ::
[mratsim] Object variant - returning different types
10728 ::
[Araq] FMU - C interop
10600 ::
[mantielero] Figuro updates: Scrollpane and more
10333 ::
[arnetheduck] crosscompiling - SSL
10323 ::
[mantielero] linking
10318 ::
[mantielero] reading a PNG at compile time
10314 ::
[Araq] lvgl - callback issues
10286 ::
[mantielero] macro - issue with the identifiers
10283 ::
[moigagoo] play nim - not working?
10282 ::
[mantielero] macro - global var behaviour
10272 ::
[Araq] procs: forward declaration
10267 ::
[mantielero] FMU library - fmi2FreeInstance
10256 ::
[Araq] FMU library - seg fault
10026 ::
[mantielero] C++ method override
9969 ::
[DeletedUser] iterators composition
9909 ::
[cblake] Is it possible to only compile the linked modules but not the executable?
9907 ::
[arnetheduck] JIT landed in nlvm
9885 ::
[PMunch] Who wants to do a GSoC about FreeCAD? Program in Nim!
9836 ::
[mantielero] `std/xmltree` issue with extra spaces being added
9753 ::
[Araq] question about memory management
9747 ::
[kobi] OpenGPT seems to sort-of work with Nim also.
9710 ::
[mantielero] Struggling to understand `asyncjs`'s `PromiseJs`
9647 ::
[moigagoo] Looking for a pair programming partner / coach
9599 ::
[mantielero] error: cannot convert 'tyObject_XEvent__EZvRvOUywFnBp4PzilZBoA' to 'XEvent&'
9588 ::
[demotomohiro] C++ binding - error: use of deleted function
9581 ::
[Araq] wrapping c++ function - cannot instantiate 'T2'
9561 ::
[mantielero] Undeclared identifier despite being imported
9535 ::
[geotre] Some help with javascript - OpenCascade.js
9315 ::
[Araq] Carbon lang
8740 ::
[geotre] solvespace.nim - WiP
8735 ::
[DeletedUser] Issue with operator `ยท`
8726 ::
[enthus1ast] What approach can I use to fix a number of parameters in some functions?
8683 ::
[Araq] C++ bindings - m_type issue
8660 ::
[mantielero] importcpp constructor issue
8632 ::
[Araq] Question about memory management with bindings
8625 ::
[mantielero] UFCS issue
8618 ::
[PMunch] Help needed - issue with a wrapped library
8614 ::
[kobi] How to hide FFI details from implementations of a (C FFI) interface?
8465 ::
[mantielero] FFI - std::string
8464 ::
[mantielero] Issue with passL
8460 ::
[mantielero] Help needed - issue wrapping header with c2nim
8452 ::
[Araq] tesseract in nim?
8448 ::
[mantielero] Wrapperless interop with C/C++
8193 ::
[Araq] Fixing dependencies
8100 ::
[juancarlospaco] JS bindings - JsObject vs ref object
8089 ::
[mantielero] uPlot - plotting library
8079 ::
[jyapayne] CSV: paring in js
8046 ::
[treeform] Libraries: geometry - 3d - coord systems
8043 ::
[kaushalmodi] macros - iterate on sequence
8020 ::
[Araq] c2nim -- minor update
7997 ::
[jyapayne] JS FFI - getting started
7978 ::
[Araq] xlsxwriter - Static compilation in windows
7977 ::
[mantielero] gcc.exe: fatal error: cannot execute 'cc1': CreateProcess: No such file or directory
7880 ::
[mantielero] FFI - C++ template parameter with default - c2nim
7806 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] An easy way of displaying video?
7790 ::
[Araq] Getting started with the Foreign Function Interface - calling library functions
7777 ::
[Araq] Arduino with Nim
7677 ::
[adrianv] winim - onenote
7665 ::
[mantielero] Gimp plugin?
7662 ::
[juancarlospaco] json - update
7622 ::
[dom96] async - noob question
7580 ::
[Araq] template - Error: in expression 'p.some(n)': identifier expected, but found 'some(n)'
7543 ::
[SolitudeSF] Templates - cannot evaluate at compile time: elems
7541 ::
[mantielero] Templates - how to check if a template has been used
7532 ::
[guibar] windows - msys2 - rdynamic
7529 ::
[mantielero] Windows - #include <dlfcn.h>
7526 ::
[DeletedUser] nim.cfg - pragma
7524 ::
[mantielero] Strange memory problem
7506 ::
[cblake] Temporal folder
7503 ::
[treeform] Importing a file in runtime
7502 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] fmusdk - SIGSEGV with ARC
7499 ::
[SolitudeSF] Templates and include
7497 ::
[Araq] macros - backquote
7496 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] fmusdk: porting from C to nim - looking for advice
7481 ::
[mantielero] exportc -
7451 ::
[mantielero] Compiling some functions into a lib from nim itself
7329 ::
[Araq] AVR Support?
7324 ::
[mantielero] C++ bindings - doubt with an argument's default value
7301 ::
[Araq] Problem related with scope
7296 ::
[mantielero] C++ FFI templates
7274 ::
[Araq] Cyclic dependency
7254 ::
[Araq] C++ Smart pointers 101 and FFI
7246 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] FFI - simplifying
7240 ::
[Araq] Question about dup syntax
7230 ::
[Araq] cpp2nim.py - c++ bindings
7228 ::
[Araq] C++ wrap - doubbt on & symbol
7217 ::
[DeletedUser] C++ wrap - let/var behaviour
7187 ::
[mantielero] C++ wrapper - Any recommendation?
7059 ::
[Araq] Raspberry Pi 1B - nmqtt - exit code 137
7045 ::
[Araq] C++ FFI - basic example
6888 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] nimqml's abstractitemmodel example is unclear to me
6873 ::
[mantielero] nimx - image
6870 ::
[shashlick] nimterop - sigjmp_buf
6434 ::
[Jehan] Nim's popularity
6394 ::
[spip] Hackathon as part of NimConf 2020
6375 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Inheritance vs composition
6374 ::
[adrianv] Question about type safety and OOP
6373 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Strange failure
6372 ::
[mantielero] Playing with objects - object referecing another object
6328 ::
[mratsim] llegal capture 'world' because ':anonymous' has the calling convention: <cdecl>
6325 ::
[deech] Standalone Libclang Nim Apps
6313 ::
[jyapayne] Nim forum development
6296 ::
[Vindaar] gr.nim - floats in FFI
6289 ::
[mantielero] FFI with huge C++ projects
6288 ::
[mantielero] GR.nim - just another plotting library
6268 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Embedding OpenGL window into some of our gui frameworks
6251 ::
[solo989] Number of items in a tuple
6220 ::
[mantielero] ipopt.nim - large scale non-linear optimization
6206 ::
[spip] ipopt - Problem with Macro
6204 ::
[Araq] Macros - Is this a bug?
6199 ::
[mratsim] Macros - organizing code
6193 ::
[Araq] Strange "type mismatch" error
6192 ::
[Araq] FFI - ipopt solver - malloc(): corrupted top size
6173 ::
[mantielero] Nim threading and FFI - locks
6169 ::
[Araq] How do I pass Nim functions to C code as callbacks?
6164 ::
[lucian] UncheckedArray conversion
6134 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Vapoursynth - optimization
6133 ::
[geotre] libvapoursynth.so: undefined symbol: pthread_create
6130 ::
[Araq] Strange (maybe memory related behaviour)
6129 ::
[mratsim] Arraymancer - kernel
6128 ::
[mantielero] VapourSynth.nim - video processing
6119 ::
[jyapayne] template - body issue
6114 ::
[cdunn2001] Template - how to prefix a function's name
6105 ::
[Araq] ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us
6094 ::
[Araq] SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.
6082 ::
[mantielero] pointer to uint8: changing the underlying value
6081 ::
[mratsim] VapourSynth - some help from somebody with C knowledge
6073 ::
[mantielero] Issue with a function signature
6068 ::
[mratsim] VapourSynth - now we do video ;oP
6065 ::
[yglukhov] Casting basics (a few questions)
6057 ::
[Araq] FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions
6054 ::
[mantielero] FFI: from seq[int] to C array
6051 ::
[jyapayne] Creating functions at runtime
6049 ::
[mratsim] How can I simulate "name[id]" behaviour?
6039 ::
[timothee] Documenting one liner
6028 ::
[yglukhov] FFI questions - VapourSynth
5411 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Make Nim easier for the developer
5396 ::
[jyapayne] Stuck on while compiling
5393 ::
[mratsim] c to nim: getting array elements from pointer
5388 ::
[mratsim] Renaming functions
5046 ::
[treeform] FFI: help converting macro into template
5022 ::
[zio_tom78] Fortran bindings
5013 ::
[shashlick] Wrapper for miniz
5005 ::
[rayman22201] Simulation: FMI standard (FMU files)
5002 ::
[shashlick] Wrap C library that needs CMake
4984 ::
[mantielero] minizip bindings
4978 ::
[sdwfrost] NumericalNim, a basic ODE and integration library written in Nim
4963 ::
[Araq] C2NIM - trailing underscore
4962 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] FFI - ``cstring`` or ``array[256,char]``?
4960 ::
[mantielero] FFI - a bit of help with minizip
4953 ::
[yglukhov] [FFI] Reference xxx without definition