Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10292 ::
[Araq] Does Nim has the same features that D has when interfacing to Objective-C?
9714 ::
[snej] How do I ‘subclass’ StringStream?
9633 ::
[Araq] How to manually free/clear memory used by ref
9282 ::
[mratsim] advanced integration with lua
9186 ::
[arnetheduck] nim-snappy, faster and simpler
7326 ::
[jangko] Creating Custom DLLMain using MSVC
6817 ::
[Araq] ARC/ORC cpu intensive loop bug?
6755 ::
[exelotl] Access Nim variables from Lua
6664 ::
[sky_khan] Why use range[0..255] instead of char?
6642 ::
[Skaruts] How to compile a dll that I can call from lua or luaJIT's ffi?
6624 ::
[lqdev] How to cast a slice of seq[char] to uint?
6395 ::
[DeletedUser] Editing single input line
6007 ::
[zahary] Announcement: Status resumes its bounty program!
5675 ::
[Libman] Editor support for Nim 1.0
5438 ::
[Araq] Java GC causes a crash a library Nim runtime on linux
5426 ::
[JohnS] Screenshot / Screencapture
5339 ::
[c0ntribut0r] code to unpack (msgpack) and "cast" object to
5260 ::
[spip] Some indicators on Nimble packages
5143 ::
[mikra] persistence: ZODB analog for Nim
4898 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] There are some library to display text in opengl easily?
4872 ::
[Araq] thiscall calling convention?
4681 ::
[Araq] Problem with templates in multiple files
4643 ::
[juancarlospaco] Msgpack to JSON (deserialisation)
4251 ::
[jangko] Defined Symbol Value Error
4248 ::
[Araq] calculated import argument
4247 ::
[jangko] Interop with Delphi Interfaces
4246 ::
[boia01] 0.19.0 pegs regression?
4242 ::
[jangko] Nim source equivalent to C #define
4106 ::
[Araq] Error converting json to types
4046 ::
[jangko] Any help for Carbon support?
3944 ::
[yglukhov] Nim SimplePNG
3872 ::
[Araq] seq vs array vs open array
3871 ::
[Araq] copyright notice in resulting javascript code
3869 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Tuples vs Objects vs Ref Objects?
3799 ::
[jangko] volatileStore ptr T question
3797 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Generated assembly for imported modules on MSP430
3776 ::
[Araq] What is the typedesc inside the compiler?
3708 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] How to get string representation of int inside of the macros?
3701 ::
[Araq] [RESOLVED] a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code
3698 ::
[jangko] How to return Unicode in shared library
3674 ::
[c0ntribut0r] How to (de)serialize inherited object?
3485 ::
[jangko] C's char* -> ptr char or cstring ?
3464 ::
[dom96] Having trouble wrapping foo->bar
3419 ::
[Araq] Understanding staticRead's weird behaviour
3331 ::
[jangko] bad code generated when trying to access static: var at run time
3321 ::
[jlp765] GraphQL?
3316 ::
[jangko] Confusion with Generics and nim typesystem.
3292 ::
[jangko] templates with generics question
3287 ::
[wizzardx] possible compiler bug with generics?
3137 ::
[Araq] Convert tuple into a Object
3056 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] Nim image libraries
3055 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Allocation on heap somehow unstable - Why does this crash?
3045 ::
[jangko] Converting Nim string to c void*
3035 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] Import Lua
2999 ::
[boia01] Concepts
2952 ::
[Araq] Nim's Easy Serialization Macro - new version available
2884 ::
[jangko] Problem with the generic of sequence.
2848 ::
[Libman] Reusing parts of the AST in macros
2779 ::
[Araq] Circular dependencies among modules, genDepend, dot
2745 ::
[jangko] 2 question about DLL with Mingw
2622 ::
[jangko] Strange compiler bug when import critibits and nre
2568 ::
[Araq] c2nim: typdef
2541 ::
[jlp765] What does "direct hardware access" in Nim mean?
2537 ::
[jangko] Libraries
2520 ::
[donydh] C invocation example does not work in 32bit
2519 ::
[jlp765] Can i use 64bit nim compile 32bit program?
2485 ::
[zahary] Debugging the compiler
2449 ::
[Vladar] Cross-import error or am I doing it wrong?
2445 ::
[jangko] How to obtain parameters and their types of akProc?
2422 ::
[Araq] Go-lang like interface
2407 ::
[LeuGim] Questions about UFCS and generics
2395 ::
[yglukhov] Why Nim language unlike rust and go language, the same direct compiler
2391 ::
[yglukhov] Calling Nim compiled to dll from Java programs?
2330 ::
[gokr] Nim is superset of C?!
2328 ::
[Varriount] How to access segment (similar Go slice) of seq[byte]?
2093 ::
[jangko] Which public/private key crypto you're using?
2083 ::
[vega] Anyone knows packages about xlsx reader and writer (do not use COM)?
1988 ::
[Jehan] Want to borrow a couple of things from D lang.
1983 ::
[Jehan] A few questions about Nim
1982 ::
[jangko] Nim lexer for notepad++ now available
1973 ::
[jangko] how to define my own DllMain
1945 ::
[jangko] Convert C to Nim question
1884 ::
[filwit] How do I get the NimNode of a Type
1879 ::
[jlp765] reconstruct closure
1878 ::
[jboy] Web based nimble search tool
1871 ::
[Araq] Bug in binding?
1863 ::
[Araq] Get references not copies in specific script
1858 ::
[dom96] Is there any way to separate jester routes in various files ?
1830 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Need help with subscript.
1672 ::
[Araq] Project ideas
1596 ::
[Araq] unicode support
1539 ::
[Jehan] Need advice in program optimization