Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10300 ::
[solo989] Why slight change to macro breaks it?
9461 ::
[solo989] Turning a tuple to json
9127 ::
[solo989] Introspection over a proc type
8513 ::
[solo989] VarArgs Broke on latest nim.
8402 ::
[jyapayne] Behavior of {.global.} variable for assigning to const
8379 ::
[Araq] Design choice advice for Python-to-Nim transpiler (Python Devs)
8349 ::
[solo989] how are generics instantiated across module boundaries?
8326 ::
[solo989] forward declaration of static arg with macro
8306 ::
[Araq] Weird import issue
8277 ::
[Araq] Why can't I use my macro like this?
8248 ::
[cblake] How to default non-trivial argument with `staitc[]` type
8205 ::
[mratsim] Problems with macros receiving typed/untyped parameters
8202 ::
[Araq] How to return an object of a particular type following a value.
7342 ::
[Araq] Failed trying to wrap macro in another macro
7033 ::
[solo989] quit() returning bool in else branch?
6901 ::
[cblake] Differentiate between system and user modules
6881 ::
[Araq] Pragma for unfinished features
6822 ::
[Araq] dollars for ref types
6791 ::
[solo989] Extending a generic varags proc
6560 ::
[spip] Choosing between generic and specific fn
6520 ::
[timothee] difference between any and auto?
6515 ::
[solo989] Generic function resolution
6457 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Passing a sequence by reference to a data type
6420 ::
[Araq] bizarre name clash with template
6391 ::
[slangmgh] How do I revert a my fork back to nim devel?
6374 ::
[adrianv] Question about type safety and OOP
6251 ::
[solo989] Number of items in a tuple
6189 ::
[Araq] Compiling problem
6172 ::
[spip] Generate doc comment from template?
6146 ::
[Araq] Nim 1.2 is here
6120 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Submatrix function and arrays
6117 ::
[doofenstein] {.nimcall.} and {.closure.}
5993 ::
[c0ntribut0r] Templates and imports
5968 ::
[zetashift] Cannot import module.
5960 ::
[jyapayne] Pegs at Compiletime.
5886 ::
[Varriount] How do I extract a particular block from an external module?
5885 ::
[Araq] Nimble install local package.
5871 ::
[Varriount] Overloaded proc dispatch won't work with object type
5834 ::
[Araq] How to chain prodecure calls that mutate a reference object ?
5798 ::
[SolitudeSF] Forward declaration results in SIGSEGV?
5721 ::
[solo989] Proc and Iterators with Result Variable
5714 ::
[solo989] Can I Pass Multiple Identifiers to a Single Typed Macro Body?
5681 ::
[Araq] Why inherit RootObj?
5646 ::
[solo989] Which is the preferred style: call(x) or call x
5581 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Problem with forward declarations and pragmas
5097 ::
[mratsim] Are NimNodes ref types or functionally equivalent to ref types?
5091 ::
[Araq] Is there a way to check if binding one NimNode will lead to binding another unexpected NimNode?
5053 ::
[solo989] Echo a NimNode
5031 ::
[Araq] Bind not working in Generic Procs.
4998 ::
[cblake] Macro to create a dictionary (table) like in python!
4986 ::
[dom96] Nim program executes painfully slow
4935 ::
[jyapayne] Help getting this macro to work in a for loop
4632 ::
[treeform] Is there a way to make kind of like an override named block?
4552 ::
[moigagoo] Cannot define `(T: type) -> T` proc within a template defined in another template
4444 ::
[SolitudeSF] Problems following examples
4441 ::
[def] How do you pass code blocks to when compiles?
4372 ::
[mashingan] Can you generate new symbols for procs, templates,etc defined inside templates?
4239 ::
[solo989] Confusion about macros.
3688 ::
[Araq] Odd bug with ast and strutils.
3644 ::
[def] Is something like this possible?
3504 ::
[Udiknedormin] Making a Matrix
3199 ::
[Araq] Code substitution with templates