Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10719 ::
[Araq] thread process can not change text buffer
10265 ::
[PMunch] a question about the development and compatibility of Nim 2.0 and Nim 1.0
10263 ::
[Araq] Can Nim be considered an independent language?
10051 ::
[Araq] Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
8599 ::
[elcritch] Show Nim: Nephyr a Nim wrapper for Zephyr RTOS!
5330 ::
[dom96] FOSDEM Call for Participation
5072 ::
[leorize] Error when using foldl on BigInts
5024 ::
[Araq] Hyphens Not Allowed in Nim Filenames? [Invalid Module Name]
5015 ::
[Araq] Alias for proc names -- any progress?
5010 ::
[Araq] sizeof a ref object type
4987 ::
[jasper] Error: You must provide a compile-time value for the discriminator