Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10481 ::
[demotomohiro] Program "Walk Through" Capability
10366 ::
[Araq] Nim version 2.0.0 is here
10297 ::
[Araq] thoughts on a backend target for bun?
10288 ::
[Zoom] Multithread with js target
10280 ::
[Steven] Discounted rates for "Nim in Action" and "Mastering Nim"?
10205 ::
[Araq] clarification on nim v2 removal of parallel & spawn
10171 ::
[Araq] Good Languages Borrow, Great Languages Nim
10125 ::
[cmc] Pass generic proc object different sub-types
10124 ::
[noah] Nim Threading question
10123 ::
[Araq] EU Cyber Resilience Act impact on Open Source community
10121 ::
[planetis] how to set hint/warningAsError switches in config.nims?
10120 ::
[auxym] Is there still interest to develop INim or are there better Nim REPL?
10116 ::
[Araq] Workaround for "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety"
10114 ::
[reversem3] nim for quantum computing?
10104 ::
[Araq] How to make os (e.g. ubuntu) interpret nimscript shebang
10101 ::
[Araq] What GPT-4 knows and thinks about Nim
10097 ::
[Araq] How to specify output directory for `nim genDepend` ?
10093 ::
[FabienPRI] noob question exception and await
10076 ::
[didlybom] Upcoming `Result` review - comments and thoughts welcome!
10051 ::
[Araq] Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
10034 ::
[Yardanico] bun.sh supports nimlang
10023 ::
[Araq] design question: generic methods are deprecated
10005 ::
[Araq] testament + valgrind: importing asyncdispatch or threadpool causes valgrind to throw?
10002 ::
[Araq] A list of programs
9996 ::
[Araq] How to reproduce the release build of Nim?
9992 ::
[PMunch] Can I type a parameter as supporting `$`?
9977 ::
[Araq] Version 1.6.12 released!
9969 ::
[DeletedUser] iterators composition
9949 ::
[zevv] Debugging Memory Usage in Nim
9946 ::
[noah] asyncfutures: addCallback not calling callback
9162 ::
[Araq] NimForUE
8297 ::
[Araq] Nim enters top 50 programming languages list on TIOBE Index!
7024 ::
[timothee] Generating code coverage with Nim 1.4.0