Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8297 ::
[Araq] Nim enters top 50 programming languages list on TIOBE Index!
8082 ::
[sky_khan] Issue when deploying a application with Nginx as a reverse proxy!
8072 ::
[slangmgh] Asynchronous processing of http requests vs spawn tasks!
8065 ::
[didlybom] Nimble detected as Trojan.Gen.MBT by Symantec Endpoint Protection v14
8058 ::
[mrhdias] How to pass a channel between spawned functions?
8056 ::
[juancarlospaco] How can I use return value from a spawned function in Nim?
8026 ::
[mrhdias] How to read GeoLite2 mmdb files?
7655 ::
[Araq] How do I share a hash table among multiple processes to store temporary http sessions?
7585 ::
[kobi] How to segment the code into different files?
7520 ::
[mrhdias] How to kill a process and all of its descendants in Nim?
7251 ::
[Araq] Nim for mobile
7079 ::
[Araq] This brings down the forum!
7064 ::
[Araq] How to prevent a program from crashing when the "OSError: Too many open files" error occurs?
7048 ::
[cblake] Nim threads on different processor core
7043 ::
[dom96] FastCGI vs HTTP server?
7032 ::
[zevv] Someone have an idea on how to implement a `[][]=` function?
6998 ::
[dsrw] Listening for variable changes in Nim?
6972 ::
[federico3] What is the carbon footprint of the NIm?
6971 ::
[dom96] What Nim projects are you working on?
6944 ::
[cblake] Are there any alternatives to tables with duplicated keys?
6931 ::
[cblake] How to keep a ordered table sorted with the most recent changed elements at the end?
6918 ::
[dom96] How to gracefully terminate an asynchttpserver with Ctrl-C?
6889 ::
[dom96] Wrapping synchronous code into asynchronous call
6834 ::
[mratsim] Electron-like app with Nim
6786 ::
[dom96] Is there any PWA (Progressive Web Apps) framework or package written in nim?
6463 ::
[enthus1ast] Sending emails from Nim using SMTP
6047 ::
[mrhdias] Nim appears for the first time listed in the TIOBE Index!
6005 ::
[dom96] Async web servers and database
5971 ::
[DeletedUser] Help to create a template/macro that reads small chunks of data from a stream.
5907 ::
[shashlick] Help binding the nghttp2 to something consumable by Nim!
5884 ::
[Araq] Can someone explain how to use the ".since" pragma?
5829 ::
[enthus1ast] How to upload large files efficiently and quickly with Jester?
5799 ::
[dom96] How to create and manage a http users sessions?
5607 ::
[dom96] use jester with SSE (server side event) example
5351 ::
[Tiberium] How do I make a table of tables in Nim?
5080 ::
[LeuGim] How to add a symbol to represent the infinity (∞)
5048 ::
[Araq] Data loss with async sockets
4998 ::
[cblake] Macro to create a dictionary (table) like in python!
4898 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] There are some library to display text in opengl easily?
4853 ::
[treeform] Problem trying to compress the http response data!
4840 ::
[boia01] Show: dali — a pure-Nim indie assembler for Android .dex & .apk files
4765 ::
[leorize] Suggestions for gui frameworks to make an app in nim for android?
4754 ::
[Jehan] Nim + Flutter == bright future?
4749 ::
[mashingan] How to compile and run a Nim program on the Android?
4716 ::
[Araq] Passing a pointer to an array to a c function!
4710 ::
[slangmgh] Help with template!
4709 ::
[federico3] What is the best way to run a nim program as daemon?
4670 ::
[dom96] How to speed up the upload of a big file with asynchttpserver!
4657 ::
[treeform] Error when test if a large number is prime!
4651 ::
[tim_st] Newbie question about reading asynchronous text file line by line
4637 ::
[Araq] How to implement a "Walrus" operator like in python 3.8 in Nim?