Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
7089 ::
[Araq] Possible usage of Nim & Z3 for embedded?
7043 ::
[dom96] FastCGI vs HTTP server?
7042 ::
[dom96] Async unexpected behavior
7014 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Sublime Text user experience
6937 ::
[Araq] Version 1.4.0 released
6903 ::
[moerm] App crashes on Rpi4 works normal on desktop
6896 ::
[Araq] Nim - plugin for IntelliJ IDEs | JetBrains
6853 ::
[Araq] abs(int8) returns int8?
6826 ::
[mratsim] Is there flame graph for Nim performance?
6817 ::
[Araq] ARC/ORC cpu intensive loop bug?
6766 ::
[dom96] Growth of popularity and Nim community
6756 ::
[Araq] Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6753 ::
[Araq] System Programming in 2k20
6665 ::
[moerm] Using "Checked C" compiler with Nim
6547 ::
[federico3] cross platform symmetric and assymetric cryptography
6434 ::
[Jehan] Nim's popularity
6418 ::
[Araq] New entry on Nim blog...
6184 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] if error
6146 ::
[Araq] Nim 1.2 is here
6136 ::
[Araq] Announcement: The Nim compiler is rewritten in Python with some modules optimized in C
6130 ::
[Araq] Strange (maybe memory related behaviour)
6096 ::
[Araq] help information sécurité
5901 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Nim problems. 1 internal, 1 mine
4728 ::
[Araq] Begginer's question - pointers and refs
4726 ::
[moerm] Strange bug in (open)array handling?
4716 ::
[Araq] Passing a pointer to an array to a c function!
4651 ::
[tim_st] Newbie question about reading asynchronous text file line by line
4647 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] how to pass a C array to C function?
4636 ::
[Araq] Debugging - again
4593 ::
[Araq] len [0, 1, 2] fails
4569 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] questions on binding C DLL
4564 ::
[Araq] the ignoring of _ make some translation need more work
4544 ::
[jlp765] New "Learn Nim" page
4539 ::
[Araq] still no success binding DLL's callback function
4533 ::
[Araq] Nim nightly builds
4523 ::
[Araq] "Nim needs better documentation" - share your thoughts
4522 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] trouble during wrapping a windows DLL
4520 ::
[Araq] Use GC_ref on a pointer
4517 ::
[Jehan] [help needed] nim version of: COMPARING PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES IN C++, D, AND RUST
4510 ::
[Araq] Convincing my friend about Nim
4502 ::
[mashingan] How to achieve "mechanical substitution" like C macro
4501 ::
[dom96] openArray[(cstring,cstring)] parameter
4496 ::
[Araq] How can we define a function that returns a type like a Union type?
4493 ::
[dom96] My experience with nim so far
4489 ::
[Araq] Using var object in a proc that is the object's property
4459 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Unknown cause of AssertionError
4458 ::
[mratsim] high(int) works, high(uint) does not
4424 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Deprecation of <
4420 ::
[Libman] How to lookup the IPV6 addr of a domain name?
4418 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] IpAddress to/from disk problem
4417 ::
[dom96] HttpClient networking problem
4396 ::
[Libman] how compile nimedit?
4392 ::
[dom96] Nim Fibers?
4388 ::
[dom96] Should we get rid of style insensitivity?
4374 ::
[Araq] release: a current-runable, error-in-the-future msgbox for wNim
4368 ::
[timothee] {.hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]:off.}
4346 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] for loop in for loop
4344 ::
[Araq] development and release model: use the `oneflow` model
4337 ::
[Araq] Extensive survey response
3961 ::
[Araq] I do not perceive the advantages of Nim over C #
2390 ::
[Araq] Partial casing is foo_bar
1152 ::
[Araq] TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks