Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8164 ::
[pietroppeter] Print Unicode names e.g 'SPACE', 'NO-BREAK SPACE', HORIZONTAL TAB
8092 ::
[PMunch] mixed bag seq: allow strings and int in a seq
8091 ::
[Araq] Improving the documentation: Roadmap, community engagement.
8062 ::
[zetashift] strscans - Error: undeclared identifier: 'scanf'
8055 ::
[euant] print dates in reversed order
8036 ::
[kaushalmodi] proc "repeat" is ambiguous - compiler warning maybe?
8028 ::
[gemath] Add total ratings for all Candidates (STAR Voting)
8012 ::
[kaushalmodi] Error: cannot open file: fusion
8011 ::
[bpr] squeeze the sequence: remove empty strings
8001 ::
[cblake] string ( int, string and char) - convert into Table
7981 ::
[demotomohiro] Why Nim is *not* confused - which proc to call?
7922 ::
[Araq] import unicode, strutils: ambiguous call; both unicode.strip and strutils.strip
7910 ::
[masiarek2] regex
7908 ::
[zetashift] wikipedia: nim reference - regex engines - comparison
7907 ::
[ElegantBeef] file - copy Line by line - error
7904 ::
[Araq] learn Nim regular expressions - regex, re , NRE
7897 ::
[demotomohiro] sorting enum - by identifier and int?
7882 ::
[DeletedUser] echo isAlphaAscii("ą") - expecting false (instead of error)
7870 ::
[PMunch] not-nil-annotation
7854 ::
[doofenstein] char type: echo ASCII code for 'space' and 'single quote'
7844 ::
[ElegantBeef] Incorrect example in documentation for Return statement?
7824 ::
[treeform] Unicode string print - the four faces look different when printing - why?
7819 ::
[Araq] python: print(x, end=" ")
7799 ::
[cblake] string split by {';'}
7741 ::
[cblake] nim program name with spaces
7715 ::
[Araq] quit() - inconsistent behavior - osx terminal vs visual studio
7675 ::
[Yardanico] echo () vs echo()
5317 ::
[timothee] strformat: using a ':' in a string literal possible?
1938 ::
[Araq] reverse seq mitems