Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
4464 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Fedora-based Nim Docker images
4457 ::
[def] let not always properly copying string?
1882 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Error: internal error: expr(nkClosedSymChoice); unknown node kind
1802 ::
[Araq] aporia, nim how to start on windowsx32 7?
1795 ::
[Araq] Stream writeBytes
1707 ::
[Araq] 4nim
1702 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Nim Toolchain qustions
1666 ::
[Araq] Time for new nim rlease?
1655 ::
[Araq] Nimble "update" command
1650 ::
[jlp765] Nim on Ideone
1648 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Ni – A language influenced by Smalltalk written in Nim
1598 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Suggestion about Nim backend supporting
1580 ::
[Araq] File iteration slow
1570 ::
[dom96] Nimble publish is ready
1542 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Howl now has Nim support!
1512 ::
[Jehan] Issue with macro code generation
1510 ::
[Araq] I've put together some macros to work with Python's cffi, if anyone is interested
1504 ::
[Varriount] Another company is looking into Nim!
1502 ::
[Araq] Nim support for Notepad ++
1489 ::
[Araq] Accessing seq pointer
1456 ::
[Araq] Python to Nim compiler
1453 ::
[Araq] Nim at OSCON 2015
1420 ::
[Araq] Time for Nim-Powered Captchas?
1409 ::
[Araq] Patty - A pattern matching library
1401 ::
[Araq] unittest in Standard Library Documentation
1399 ::
[Araq] Why does 'nim check' have more bugs than 'nim c'
1360 ::
[Jehan] SOLVED: times.nim is buggy?
1358 ::
[Araq] How to switch of color in nim (devel)?
1334 ::
[Araq] Enable/disable blocks of code at compile time
1332 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Issue Compiling
1325 ::
[Araq] Are => and -> going to be out of the future module by 1.0?
1316 ::
[Varriount] WMI
1307 ::
[Araq] Memory problem with HashSet?
1296 ::
[dom96] Yet another bignum wrapper
1290 ::
[LeuGim] Too many arguments to function call
1285 ::
[Araq] You bought me!
1279 ::
[Araq] Nim screencast on Tuesday hosted by O'Reilly
1275 ::
[Varriount] Lazy, an iterator library
1256 ::
[Araq] How source releases prepared
1245 ::
[Araq] Markdown for the forum
1229 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] QtCreator plugin
1223 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] execution of an external program failed with zipfiles
1214 ::
[Araq] thread usage scenarios and long term goals
1209 ::
[Araq] deadCodeElim pragma not working?
1203 ::
[Araq] Porting python code to nim
1198 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] MILL: Go style concurrency in C
1197 ::
[Araq] Using Nim with tools like YACC
1189 ::
[dom96] A Nim bootstrap script
1172 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Nim's compiler speed should be advocated
1170 ::
[Araq] Version 0.11.0 released
1153 ::
[Araq] unittest or discard string?
1143 ::
[Varriount] An ultra-fast, multi-threaded file copy utility written in Nim
1093 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] GcUnsafe warning when using commandLineParams
1047 ::
[Araq] Would anyone object if I named a build system I'm writing "Koch"?
1027 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] I may have a problem
1015 ::
[Jehan] C-source distribution only?
961 ::
[Araq] Anyone know a graph library for Nim?
942 ::
[Araq] First impressions
423 ::
[Araq] GTK3
135 ::
[dom96] New argument parser module