Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
3945 ::
[Araq] nim should provide a roadmap
3090 ::
[Libman] Min: a Nim-based minimalist, concatenative, functional REPL & script lang
2778 ::
[dom96] Writing Python extensions in Nim
2565 ::
[Araq] C Invocation in Nim
2555 ::
[andrea] Connecting Nim with Python
2191 ::
[jrichards] help with zah/nim.vim
1954 ::
[Araq] Caller line numbers in templates?
1953 ::
[jboy] Command pattern implementation
1952 ::
[Araq] Version 0.13.0 released!
1947 ::
[Araq] Andrei Alexandrescu: Writing Fast Code
1914 ::
[Araq] Proposal: Extra export marker `+` to force a symbol to require full qualification
1913 ::
[Araq] Proposal: Rename all `getType` procs, rename modules `typeinfo` & `typetraits`
1910 ::
[jdm] How do I get the name of a type in a macro?
1909 ::
[leledumbo] Questions about Nim syntax
1907 ::
[PV] Will it be (in the future) possible to use static[T] as member of structure?
1903 ::
[dom96] Easy travis integration with latest nim devel
1883 ::
[jboy] What is the correct code ?
1882 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Error: internal error: expr(nkClosedSymChoice); unknown node kind
1878 ::
[jboy] Web based nimble search tool
1821 ::
[Jehan] Is it possible to refer to cstring + offset
1818 ::
[chrisheller] Compile dynlib from Nim
1817 ::
[Araq] Module Introspection
1816 ::
[jboy] How do I cast a ptr cuchar to a seq?
1808 ::
[Araq] The value of nnkCommentStmt node
1804 ::
[Araq] pragma emit question
1797 ::
[Araq] Announcing Pymod; Request For Testing & Feedback
1796 ::
[dom96] Post lenght to long error with the forum?
1793 ::
[Araq] Immutable String Type Vs. Shallow/Freeze Procedure
1170 ::
[Araq] Version 0.11.0 released
1146 ::
[yglukhov] Manipulate string by pointers
1141 ::
[def] Basic AST
1129 ::
[Araq] Strange ``<`` in tutorial
1113 ::
[Araq] Forum: e-mail notifications per-thread, please!
1112 ::
[Araq] Parameter doc help
1109 ::
[Jehan] Linux installation not setting up
1075 ::
[Araq] Wikipedia article about to be deleted again
1067 ::
[Araq] Rune at position
1063 ::
[jboy] [Solved] What's the difference between varargs[T] and openArray[T]?
1051 ::
[jboy] The closure of the last body statement parameter of a template surprised me
1049 ::
[Jehan] nimborg/py on a different thread
1044 ::
[Araq] Tuple unpacking for an array rvalue?
1033 ::
[axben] CritBitsTree vs Table
1030 ::
[Araq] Guess I am doing something wrong again
1017 ::
[Araq] How to detect the difference between numeric sizes in a generic proc?
1010 ::
[Araq] staticRead doesn't like absolute paths?
1006 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Learning Nim : Question about proc call
1005 ::
[Jehan] Pointer dereference operator
1003 ::
[Araq] Proposal: For seq & string, default init is "init to empty" not "init to nil"
991 ::
[Araq] Extending stdlib functionalities (reservoir sampling / iterators)
985 ::
[Araq] Unicode strings
982 ::
[Araq] Why newSeq, but initTable, initSet, etc.?
894 ::
[Araq] AST differs when pragma parameter is `stmt` vs `expr`
887 ::
[Jehan] Suggestion: Add a special case `..<` operator, equivalent to `.. <`
886 ::
[adrianv] template and block
880 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Getting a reference to object's field
879 ::
[Jehan] Code: Euclidean integer division (and sgn and divmod) for the math module
874 ::
[jboy] Integer literal numerical constants: 5'i16 vs 5i16
849 ::
[Araq] Defining vs declaring conditional symbols
844 ::
[Araq] What toolchain are YOU using for Nim development?
843 ::
[Araq] Difference between static[T] and T{lit} parameter constraint?
823 ::
[Araq] Pointer types
811 ::
[Araq] Newb question: by ref vs by value
805 ::
[dom96] A file-scope pragma equivalent to "--header" compiler option?
803 ::
[jboy] ANN: docstrings.nim: Python-like docstrings that can be extracted at compile time
801 ::
[dom96] Extract double-hash documentation comments?
797 ::
[Araq] Declare compile-time conditional symbols in code?
708 ::
[Araq] Immutable/let ptr