Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11060 ::
[matkuki] Tim - A template engine & markup language
10927 ::
[xigoi] Feedback on site: Scroll to Top or Update Design for Docs
10306 ::
[georgelemon] NodeJS/Bun addons powered by Nim 👑
10297 ::
[Araq] thoughts on a backend target for bun?
10251 ::
[Araq] Nim library interoperability with other GC languages (NodeJs, Golang)
10249 ::
[lewisl] Object Variant question
9848 ::
[DeletedUser] Problem with object constructor in macro
9804 ::
[Araq] Trying to make a lexer, stops if it hits an operator.
9611 ::
[treeform] Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.
8960 ::
[Araq] Anyone working on a new Nim book or second edition of Nim in Action?
8920 ::
[dom96] A better looking Nimble (web, design, feedback, ideas)
8919 ::
[adokitkat] Nim sounds better (Catchy sounds and intros for Youtube Videos / Podcast)
8268 ::
[Araq] Mac GUI
7231 ::
[Araq] any way to extra version info from <project>.nimble file?
6683 ::
[jiro4989] GitHub Actions: workflow to generate documents with ``nimble doc`` and release to GitHub Pages