Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12170 ::
[foxoman] LSP in Emacs and VSCode not working properly
11977 ::
[foxoman] Nim zed extension creation help
11637 ::
[alexeypetrushin] Which IDE to use in 2024?
11228 ::
[Araq] Challenge: Weak linking on Windows
10950 ::
[Araq] `nph` opinionated formatter v0.4
10948 ::
[Araq] Page allocation for a custom OS
10318 ::
[mantielero] reading a PNG at compile time
10276 ::
[PMunch] neovim lsp setup: no autocompletion and suggestion
10168 ::
[Zoom] question
10051 ::
[Araq] Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
10029 ::
[Araq] How to get exe name from pid under Windows
10008 ::
[Yardanico] Slicing a string of characters from a starting point until all is selected.
9974 ::
[sls1005] Getting a Compile Error - "Error: cannot open file: sockets"
9973 ::
[PMunch] Compile error “no socket”
9868 ::
[Araq] what's with deepCopy?
9787 ::
[DeletedUser] What Nim version introduces "except CatchableError" ?
9709 ::
[Clonk] A question about random returns
9616 ::
[Yardanico] problems with gcc.exe and gcc.linkexe
9532 ::
[foxoman] How do I run Nim procedures on iOS?
9396 ::
[oyster] Fidget and its alternatives
9143 ::
[Araq] Fidgets!
8960 ::
[Araq] Anyone working on a new Nim book or second edition of Nim in Action?
8920 ::
[dom96] A better looking Nimble (web, design, feedback, ideas)
8909 ::
[kobi] Experiment with creating a "ImKivy" GUI api