Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12676 ::
[foldl] Call for Contributors
12661 ::
[Araq] resovling issues
12596 ::
[foldl] Nim binding of chatllm.cpp
11533 ::
[doofenstein] How do I emulate ruby's super() for a subclass object's constructor.
11065 ::
[shirleyquirk] Beginner question: mixing types in a sequence
10293 ::
[Araq] how to importcpp a C++ class within namespaces in non-sloppy way
9870 ::
[DeletedUser] 大家好,有没有类似foldlIt的功能
9688 ::
[Araq] Why is Rust faster than Nim in this CSV parsing example?
8691 ::
[treeform] Show Nim: Forematics is a Metamath verifier written in Nim.
8657 ::
[jyapayne] Advent of Nim 2021
8175 ::
[PMunch] Collect a seq and use it straightaway?
8127 ::
[cblake] Recursive iterator to unpack arbitrarily nested sequence
7832 ::
[Araq] Concatenation of seq and array?
7731 ::
[Araq] More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)
7347 ::
[Araq] Zig-style async/await
7299 ::
[cblake] How to sum the values of a table?
7025 ::
[Araq] Idiomatic function call coding style?
7000 ::
[spip] signal processing in Nim?
6898 ::
[leorize] Help me to configure (neo)vim, please
6813 ::
[mratsim] Why `foldl` is not working with `openarray`, seems like it should work.
6708 ::
[Araq] execvp / fork in 1.3.5
6561 ::
[Yardanico] Where is the release note for v1.2.4?
6399 ::
[dom96] Lambda syntax is awkward
6345 ::
[Araq] Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port
6321 ::
[yglukhov] Nimpy and Arraymancer
6236 ::
[Araq] Finally, I can do functional programming on tiny embedded systems
6210 ::
[cdome] v1.2 fails to compile "==" for standalone & gc=none
6004 ::
[leorize] Share a paper: How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately
5785 ::
[Araq] a survey on warnings reported by GCC
5781 ::
[Araq] OK, a collection of complains
5767 ::
[Araq] A path commonPrefix function
5706 ::
[adrianv] What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5662 ::
[Araq] [C backend] On const qualifier again
5629 ::
[mratsim] [C backend] Environment of closure on stack
5628 ::
[Araq] What's wrong with pull requests auto checks?
5564 ::
[Araq] env needs to be copied for closure
5522 ::
[dom96] async/await for embedded sysmtems
5509 ::
[lxdong] Announcement: Use Nim for programming on Bluetooth chips
5505 ::
[jxy] It seems a bit confusing to express the current class object with the first argument.
5479 ::
[kaushalmodi] how return false or value?
5478 ::
[mratsim] Efficient way to validate function arguments
5458 ::
[Araq] Why is Seq.reverse() not part of the standard lib?
5423 ::
[dom96] let & const on C backend
5356 ::
[Araq] split does not seem to work properly
5072 ::
[leorize] Error when using foldl on BigInts
4827 ::
[Araq] Parallel Bounds Check
4083 ::
[Araq] First execution after compilation takes a lot longer than following execution
3827 ::
[ThomasTJdev] Re-compile and start the program again within the program
3497 ::
[Udiknedormin] problem with template (or types)(i think)
2884 ::
[jangko] Problem with the generic of sequence.
2846 ::
[Araq] algorithm.sort() seems broken
2379 ::
[Araq] Nim vs Scala (not holywar). Compare functions for strings
2255 ::
[Araq] Unify collections
1746 ::
[Jehan] foldl/foldr in sequtils
1683 ::
[Varriount] Passing inline iterators to templates
1333 ::
[Araq] Changes in sequtils
81 ::
[Araq] Map-Reduce functionality?