Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10341 ::
[giaco] Wrapping Tkinter GUI in Nim?
10271 ::
[Araq] NimQML> How to pack resource files or gui files in compiled package
9785 ::
[matkuki] nimqt - bindings to Qt
9640 ::
[filcuc] How can nimqml being used with docker?
9352 ::
[filcuc] Where to start with creating direct Qt bindings?
9184 ::
[filcuc] GUI: Nim + QML unable to compile
9098 ::
[filcuc] strange behavior of generic `=destroy`
8838 ::
[Araq] Destructors doc confusing
8820 ::
[boia01] Setting finalizer on object hierarchy won't compile with --gc:arc
8816 ::
[filcuc] How to dynamically link LGPL nim library to closed-source nim application?
8777 ::
[moigagoo] Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8765 ::
[axben] Status - how would I program a GUI-based Nim-application on Windows?
7903 ::
[filcuc] NimQml v0.9.0
7751 ::
[Araq] Multi-threaded features needed for Server
7583 ::
[dom96] Channel / Actors based parallelism? Are there such Web Servers?
7492 ::
[dom96] Status Desktop - private messenger and more using Nim + QT
7473 ::
[filcuc] Traits or macros for inspecting proc/lambda/functor type
7462 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Objects for "classes" with ref or without?
6888 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] nimqml's abstractitemmodel example is unclear to me
6645 ::
[jibal] How to implement a single table that all threads can access?
6579 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Is it necessary to extract the content of a Table into a sequence for ordering
6566 ::
[Araq] ARC: Calling default destructor of embedded field from a destructor
5965 ::
[Araq] Modify old code using new/finalizer to compile with gc:arc
5877 ::
[filcuc] Hot code reloading
5825 ::
[Araq] Finalizers questions
5641 ::
[Araq] UI showcase ideas
5329 ::
[filcuc] Newbie question: downloading multiple files using async httpclient
5289 ::
[Araq] Nim v1.1 and beyond roadmap
5281 ::
[Araq] Overload system.default
5229 ::
[Araq] object message bus for embedded systems
5214 ::
[Araq] [RFC] Why use Nim?
3595 ::
[mratsim] Need help with GUI and data visualisation (charting/plotting) in Nim
2790 ::
[jlp765] [RFC]: What's wrong with me or with httpclient :-)
2586 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Nim and Qt
2044 ::
[dom96] Bad interaction between "defer" and "async" (?)
2007 ::
[zielmicha] Nim repls
1952 ::
[Araq] Version 0.13.0 released!
1918 ::
[Araq] Linear algebra library
1793 ::
[Araq] Immutable String Type Vs. Shallow/Freeze Procedure
1781 ::
[Araq] Performance degradation for recursive algorithms between nim-10.1 and MASTER.
1708 ::
[Araq] Upcoming breaking changes
1652 ::
[Araq] How to ensure that a finalizer gets called?
1582 ::
[Araq] openarray syntax improvement suggestion
1546 ::
[Araq] not nil
1406 ::
[filcuc] ZeroMQ vs MPI
1376 ::
[Araq] How is Nimrod 1.0 coming up? Rust will be at 1.2 in 6 weeks or so.
1285 ::
[Araq] You bought me!
1278 ::
[Jehan] Go channels, goroutines and GC available in Nim
1269 ::
[Araq] A change of perspective for nimble?
1249 ::
[Araq] nimsuggest and identifiers
1248 ::
[Araq] Allocation of return value
1229 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] QtCreator plugin
1210 ::
[dom96] Nim's Community expanding
1163 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] [ANN] New SQL library for multiple database engines!
1107 ::
[Araq] NimStudio - Nim for Visual Studio 2013
1048 ::
[Araq] Has anyone ported wxWidgets to nim?
1045 ::
[dom96] rpc module
986 ::
[dom96] G+ community
982 ::
[Araq] Why newSeq, but initTable, initSet, etc.?
955 ::
[Varriount] Crash on exit (abort)
954 ::
[Jehan] getting reference to base class
930 ::
[Orion] GUI tutorial?
929 ::
[Araq] Nim praise and conclusion
884 ::
[Araq] Does gradha has a point and should I be concerned?
848 ::
[Araq] Nim: Lexer and Parser
807 ::
[danjcla] Using C++ APIs from Nim, then compiling to C++ == win?
735 ::
[Araq] "=" on ref T, string and seq
725 ::
[Orion] Smart pointers to wrap resources from C APIs
703 ::
[Araq] Constructors (and tiny bit of destructors)
692 ::
[Araq] Announcement: DOtherSide D and Nim QML bindings
680 ::
[Araq] Debugging in Aporia
67 ::
[gradha] Nake - a make for your nimrods