Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11467 ::
[SolitudeSF] Fake Nim books an Amazon, which ones are real?
9361 ::
[dwin] Memory leak when embedding nimscript
9341 ::
[pietroppeter] Translating "Nature of Code" to Nim - Which graphics library should I use?
9177 ::
[dom96] Small improvement discussion: Use `let` to lock variable previously declared as `var`
8936 ::
[dwin] Correct way have for-loop iteration up to number of only initialized array elements
8610 ::
[Araq] dot-like operations and calls
8576 ::
[Araq] Nim's version of the Trojan Source vulnerability
8492 ::
[Araq] Trailing commas in "command" syntax?
5840 ::
[dwin] Get the list of symbols exported by a module
5596 ::
[Araq] Pragmas Above Procs
5468 ::
[mratsim] [Talk] What FP Can Learn From Static Introspection. (features Nim heavily)
5426 ::
[JohnS] Screenshot / Screencapture
5153 ::
[mratsim] Exporting a function to Objective C
4314 ::
[fewjarsmith] GUI Testing for Winim
4303 ::
[Araq] migrate oldwinapi to winim
4268 ::
[LeuGim] Windows WIC or GDI+
4255 ::
[dom96] Advice Module Publication
3565 ::
[dom96] Can we mimic the structure of how Go implements the OS apis for different kind of things ?
3484 ::
[dom96] Very new winapi
3329 ::
[Tiberium] cannot import windows
3103 ::
[dom96] GetWindowEx() in winlean?
3044 ::
[dom96] oldwinapi status
2731 ::
[Araq] Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library
2680 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] lib\wrappers\\pdcurses.nim(43, 10) error : cannot open windows
2658 ::
[leledumbo] App compiling option
2614 ::
[geezer9] InitCommonControlsEx
2609 ::
[Araq] WINAPI Select Folder
2604 ::
[dom96] cross app event posting
2412 ::
[geezer9] MS Windows Subclassing
2400 ::
[geezer9] new winapi
2382 ::
[LeuGim] Windows Subclassing
1942 ::
[def] windows fonts
1359 ::
[Araq] Where's windows.nim?