Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11564 ::
[Araq] Feature Request: enum: relax or remove order requirements.
11261 ::
[Araq] Oversight or intentional?
10941 ::
[ingo] 2D sequence setter
10898 ::
[Araq] Parser combinators experiment causes Error: "cannot instantiate return:type"
10857 ::
[mratsim] cleanly terminating a thread if it takes too long
10770 ::
[Araq] Why is `enumerate()` a macro?
10734 ::
[Araq] How to create local packages
10576 ::
[Araq] How to get rid of "_ZL10nimZeroMemPvl" in an embedded target?
10565 ::
[Araq] Invalid type void in a sequence in a generic object variant fails
10536 ::
[ElegantBeef] Why can't you echo a ref object?
10513 ::
[PMunch] Simple template and macro question
10488 ::
[Dabod] How to properly compare a tuple mixed ranges and int with a tuple with ints?
10474 ::
[PMunch] Disable GC-safety in Nim 2.0?
10427 ::
[mashingan] efficient way of running proc at a given time, that can be changed
10410 ::
[Araq] \suggestions on handling \destructuring of array/seq into a list of named fields?
10408 ::
[ElegantBeef] How to echo distinct type
10174 ::
[mratsim] bug (?) with nested templates in generic proc
10135 ::
[Araq] Semcheck a NimNode tree?
10127 ::
[Araq] Viability of a website generator using nim.
10084 ::
[mratsim] Object Arrays
10082 ::
[Araq] Scan syntax tree for procedure calls
10067 ::
[Araq] Is such HTML template possible?
9990 ::
[zevv] Example of simple parser?
9964 ::
[Araq] import module just for comptime use
9690 ::
[Araq] parser generator
9616 ::
[Yardanico] problems with gcc.exe and gcc.linkexe
9437 ::
[Araq] Why Svelte is far superior than React (Karax)
9084 ::
[mratsim] problem when casting string to cstring on js backend
9038 ::
[mratsim] wierd macro overloading problem
9031 ::
[dom96] server-client webframework