Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11064 ::
[arnetheduck] Fused multiply-add instruction
11038 ::
[Araq] Is it impossible to declare an _empty enum_ under quote in order to populate it later in a macro?
10894 ::
[Araq] TCC on ARM(el) backend problem
10863 ::
[Araq] Custom constructors
10770 ::
[Araq] Why is `enumerate()` a macro?
10647 ::
[sky_khan] Should conversion outside of a range result in a Defect
10511 ::
[PMunch] [help] Nim JIT + REPL with clang backend + -emit-llvm + LLVM's ORCv2
10457 ::
[xigoi] Allowed key types in std/tables
10446 ::
[Araq] More info on NimMain procedure
10408 ::
[ElegantBeef] How to echo distinct type
10406 ::
[Araq] [Scala background] How does a macro in Scala differs from macro in Nim?
10384 ::
[Araq] Why is My Nim Code Faster when Doing This
10371 ::
[elcritch] Problems compiling objc code including <UIKit/UIKit.h> on osx
10369 ::
[demotomohiro] Top-level generic variable
10292 ::
[Araq] Does Nim has the same features that D has when interfacing to Objective-C?
10285 ::
[Steven] MoveWindow()
10278 ::
[Araq] Malebolgia & Pixy problem: expression has no address
10274 ::
[Araq] Why `unsafe_addr` had to be used in StringSlice?
10262 ::
[Araq] Heap allocated variables that behave like stack variables?
10255 ::
[Araq] I want to write a professional website. Which PL should I choose from?
10251 ::
[Araq] Nim library interoperability with other GC languages (NodeJs, Golang)
10225 ::
[Araq] DLL Terms
10223 ::
[Araq] Platonic: core math concepts
10215 ::
[matkuki] NIM code compile to executable does not run on other systems.
10140 ::
[shirleyquirk] Type binding generic alias with extra parameter
10135 ::
[Araq] Semcheck a NimNode tree?
10133 ::
[demotomohiro] Checking whether we are in .compileTime
10128 ::
[arnetheduck] Small experiment with compiling the Nim compiler with PGO
10084 ::
[mratsim] Object Arrays
9021 ::
[Araq] newSeq() named inconsistently?
8967 ::
[enthus1ast] Factorial computation in Nim
8933 ::
[miran] import from url
8725 ::
[Araq] Pythons None in Nim
8704 ::
[sky_khan] Why windows.h file is always included into compilation on Windows?
8558 ::
[Araq] Nim with curly brace and tab
6589 ::
[Araq] Procedural X86 inline assembler for Nim