Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8586 ::
[Araq] New here
7923 ::
[enthus1ast] Prompt issue with stdout.write
7610 ::
[Araq] Exception handling without doing rest of the program
7584 ::
[Araq] How to embed objects in another objects
6670 ::
[enthus1ast] HTTPS requests in Nim
6362 ::
[Araq] raise error using zig as cross compile
5939 ::
[Araq] Zig as C compiler for Nim. How to feed him the code
5230 ::
[Araq] Nim source size
5215 ::
[Libman] Great tutorials needed
5140 ::
[Araq] Nim documentation like Go
4800 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Using different compiler shows "unknown C compiler"
4787 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Tests don't want to fail - code from Nim in Action Ch3
4757 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Nim can't import libraries