Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
9064 ::
[Araq] SiSix and Nim
8658 ::
[Araq] Macros: why and/or when to use them?
8562 ::
[didlybom] Forum issue when creating a thread
8479 ::
[Araq] Show Nim: Use Nim code from other languages (genny + pixie-python)
8465 ::
[mantielero] FFI - std::string
8440 ::
[Araq] Nim Function pointer
8379 ::
[Araq] Design choice advice for Python-to-Nim transpiler (Python Devs)
7995 ::
[Araq] Python style in Nim
7566 ::
[alexeypetrushin] Nim can be so difficult to understand
7503 ::
[treeform] Importing a file in runtime
7485 ::
[mratsim] FieldOffset / Padding Pragma?
7430 ::
[jyapayne] Threads are finishing without an error even though they shouldnt
7426 ::
[Araq] Simple recursion really slow?
7397 ::
[boia01] Help with Nim concurrency – data not persisted
7334 ::
[Recruit_main707] Questions about sharing data with C++ and capnp.nim
7273 ::
[Araq] NIM 32 bit dll
7246 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] FFI - simplifying
7104 ::
[treeform] Cross compile on WIndows 64bits for Windows 32 bits
7095 ::
[kobi] is there a way to combine types?
7071 ::
[doofenstein] Kernel Matrix Calculation in Nim
7044 ::
[kobi] new project: cs2nim
6930 ::
[Araq] Regarding the future of --gc:none and --gc:regions
6840 ::
[Yardanico] Why does Random give the same value every time?
6583 ::
[Yardanico] Custom DllMain Windows
6132 ::
[Araq] Idea: Nim Online Conference
2374 ::
[OderWat] Intellij ( PhpStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, Webstorm, Clion ) platform