Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11639 ::
[geotre] karax, redraw a textarea
11465 ::
[demotomohiro] What's the lowest level that Nim can navigate or even dive breaking OS-dependant protected modes?
11188 ::
[Araq] A template to emit ARM asm
10897 ::
[mratsim] Exponentially-slow compile times with deeply nested iterators
10011 ::
[PMunch] All chr() up to 127 returns correct unicode character, but chr([128++]) returns �
8967 ::
[enthus1ast] Factorial computation in Nim
8830 ::
[cblake] Atomics: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'testAndSet'
8753 ::
[JohnAD] JSON - how to edit Jarrays (amongst others)
8249 ::
[Araq] Migrated Norm docs to nimibook and loving it!
7926 ::
[Araq] Counting word frequencies with Nim
7734 ::
[PeterMoresco] Can't manage to use nimpy on Windows
7325 ::
[cantanima] Own numeric type
7162 ::
[Araq] Advent of Nim 2020 megathread
7142 ::
[Araq] Unhandled exception in httpbeast
7092 ::
[Peter] Kill thread?
7080 ::
[enthus1ast] static link with a .lib file not working
7075 ::
[coffeepot] Deprecated operators for DateTime private members
7070 ::
[Peter] Type problem with 1.4.0
6137 ::
[spip] Natural language processing
5789 ::
[Peter] Nim to JavaScript compile: function ref
5741 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Cannot build old project - TChannel problem
5657 ::
[Araq] Recommended GUI library?
5619 ::
[mratsim] Question about multithreaded use of filestream.readLine() function
5442 ::
[Araq] build*.exe with pictures, icons...
5419 ::
[JPLRouge] Gui App (niGui) in 'standalone mode'
5412 ::
[kidandcat] Write in *.txt file from variables values , with separate new lines.
5408 ::
[cblake] Difference between two dates
5350 ::
[Peter] Redirect stdout
5330 ::
[dom96] FOSDEM Call for Participation
5320 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] c-like read\write data structure in Nim?
4753 ::
[Araq] How I feel about Nim
4569 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] questions on binding C DLL
4539 ::
[Araq] still no success binding DLL's callback function
4185 ::
[Araq] wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework
3855 ::
[mora] Ask for an update
3093 ::
[Araq] Changing chained attributes of object taken by var - Is this desired behaviour?
2819 ::
[jlp765] REPL?
2772 ::
[Araq] Building PDF docs on Windows takes hours?
2676 ::
[xomachine] Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X
2648 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] Best way to represent pixel data in Nim
2485 ::
[zahary] Debugging the compiler
2483 ::
[def] naive implemnatation of KNN
2480 ::
[mora] Getting type of generic instantiation in pragma macro
2433 ::
[andrea] Basic jupyter notebook kernel
2396 ::
[Araq] Concept[T] design question
2379 ::
[Araq] Nim vs Scala (not holywar). Compare functions for strings
2363 ::
[Araq] Concept[T]
2360 ::
[mora] [macro] Adding echo to a function
2346 ::
[Araq] Recent development questions
2303 ::
[andrea] nim and rust
2210 ::
[Vladar] Lisp interpreter in Nim (just for fun)
2201 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Why block is not an expression
1805 ::
[Araq] "out of memory" error
1790 ::
[Araq] filter(map(...
1789 ::
[gmpreussner] Concept[T] status
1780 ::
[mora] Procedure works differently depending on parenthesis .
1766 ::
[Nycto] Concepts with Generics around Concepts
1763 ::
[Araq] Jerry, I'm going on a break
1762 ::
[Araq] Proposal of new functions in stdlib
1761 ::
[dom96] Start and stop Jester inside a proc
1746 ::
[Jehan] foldl/foldr in sequtils
1730 ::
[Araq] Slow strings
1707 ::
[Araq] 4nim
1685 ::
[Araq] Are all refs mutable?
1683 ::
[Varriount] Passing inline iterators to templates
1682 ::
[Araq] Error: 'f' cannot be passed to a procvar
1681 ::
[mora] Shallow bit for seq used as read-only bit?
1672 ::
[Araq] Project ideas
1671 ::
[jlp765] n-dimensional sequences
1665 ::
[zielmicha] Small steps in sequtils
1656 ::
[Araq] Valgrind and GC
1647 ::
[Orion] mySeq.map(x => x+1) update
1646 ::
[Jehan] GC parameters
1642 ::
[Araq] Template parameters
1630 ::
[Araq] How to generate {.gensym.} variable in a macro for a template?
1616 ::
[jlp765] map/mapIt (now with benchmarks)
1607 ::
[Araq] For cycle
1597 ::
[Araq] Changes in channels
1583 ::
[yglukhov] JavaScript objects
1579 ::
[Araq] when debug:
1572 ::
[Araq] Sharing memory between threads
1558 ::
[Araq] Closed channels
1536 ::
[Araq] Weekly email
1521 ::
[Araq] About Nim
1514 ::
[andrea] Wordnet parser
1510 ::
[Araq] I've put together some macros to work with Python's cffi, if anyone is interested
1457 ::
[Araq] mySeq.map(x => x+1)
1441 ::
[Araq] Vectorize!
1440 ::
[Araq] Call function with tuple
1437 ::
[Araq] [SOLVED] Macro's parameters
1411 ::
[reactormonk] [SOLVED] Macros for enums
1403 ::
[andrea] Hidden generics
1347 ::
[mora] Apply a macro with pragma
1333 ::
[Araq] Changes in sequtils
1319 ::
[Araq] Generate code at runtime
1312 ::
[andrea] Library for linear algebra
1304 ::
[Araq] Compile time vs run time
1278 ::
[Jehan] Go channels, goroutines and GC available in Nim
1277 ::
[Araq] Read file at compile time
1275 ::
[Varriount] Lazy, an iterator library
1257 ::
[Jehan] Intermediate code for templates
1254 ::
[Araq] I want an event loop in my app
1230 ::
[bluenote] Lazy list of primes
1225 ::
[Araq] Nim containers
1200 ::
[def] filterIt iterator is not lazy
292 ::
[Araq] Size of data structures