Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10517 ::
[Levlan] [newbie] go to definition is not working on vscodium on EndeavourOS(Arch based distro)
10497 ::
[Levlan] Just installed nim 2.0 and vscodium can't run a nim program
9213 ::
[Levlan] Solving cubic equations
6867 ::
[Araq] [noob] Help with sets
6550 ::
[lscrd] Beginner - Is there a Nim's similar to a Python dictionary?
6544 ::
[yglukhov] (Nimpy) code compiles with no nimpy pragma but doesn't with the pragma
5469 ::
[Araq] How to uninstall Nim so i can install it in another folder
5461 ::
[Araq] Disabling unused import warning locally