Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
9886 ::
[moigagoo] Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it
9869 ::
[PMunch] Possible way for easy android app creation without JAVA!
9262 ::
[moigagoo] Writing a shared lib for Android
9243 ::
[Araq] Can Orc be improved?
8991 ::
[PMunch] Want Nim online code playground to be mobile and desktop friendly.
8927 ::
[Araq] Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8827 ::
[treeform] Update on compiling to asmjs or wasm through emscripten...
8817 ::
[GordonBGood] Unexpected behavior when using custom finalizers + ARC/ORC + RootObj
8769 ::
[DeletedUser] Anyone written an Android app using Nim-generated Native code lately?
8491 ::
[juancarlospaco] Make android app
8251 ::
[Araq] Guidance on Isolating Memory Leak
8247 ::
[dom96] Youtube "Software Drag Racing" to count primes in Nim
8243 ::
[GordonBGood] Question about "thread-local heap" garbage collectors and threads.
8204 ::
[Araq] Awaitable threadpools
8201 ::
[GordonBGood] Unable to create a flowVar
7570 ::
[bpr] Comments and criticism,please: Nimplementation of Church Numerals
7251 ::
[Araq] Nim for mobile
6649 ::
[Araq] call-by-value Y combinator
6426 ::
[Araq] Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...
6423 ::
[Araq] What's happening with devel releases and version numbers?
6045 ::
[yglukhov] Another state of generating Android APK thread...
5697 ::
[Araq] Walking trees without recursive iterators
5490 ::
[demotomohiro] Using different compilers on windows
5465 ::
[GordonBGood] undeclared identifier: 'PGenericSeq' when using '--seqsv2:on'
5459 ::
[Araq] Borrow Checker In Nim?
5458 ::
[Araq] Why is Seq.reverse() not part of the standard lib?
5398 ::
[Araq] Current status of Nim for Webassembly?
5381 ::
[GordonBGood] Help me see what's wrong with this
5296 ::
[GordonBGood] Any tutorials for compiling to JavaScript (specifically DOM)?
5294 ::
[MaineTim] Sequence of objects which contain a sequence
5289 ::
[Araq] Nim v1.1 and beyond roadmap
5232 ::
[Araq] Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?
5213 ::
[Araq] 1.0.0 is here
5146 ::
[Araq] Who owns the widget in this example?
5134 ::
[Araq] Testing `newruntime` `owned ref` as to cyclic data...
5127 ::
[mratsim] possible in Nim to have a macro/template
5111 ::
[LeuGim] typedesc with subtype won't compile when returning objects
5105 ::
[Araq] No Windows nightlies for the last while?
5083 ::
[Araq] [RFC] Project Picasso - A multithreading runtime for Nim
5069 ::
[Araq] newruntime doesn't work with threads:on...
5066 ::
[Araq] seq[owned T] and delete()
5047 ::
[dom96] What do you think about the programming language NIM?
4976 ::
[Araq] Nim's future: GC and the newruntime
4950 ::
[jlhouchin] Fastest Prime Sieve, in Nim
4940 ::
[miran] A few questions about procs
4910 ::
[Araq] Nim v0.20.0 is here (1.0 RC)
4891 ::
[Araq] rant about shr change
4743 ::
[Araq] Owned refs
4483 ::
[Araq] Future of Nim ?
3667 ::
[yglukhov] Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?