Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8057 ::
[DarkBlue] Unidecode
2370 ::
[dom96] Irclogs
2331 ::
[Araq] What are the important features that are missing in Nim?
2074 ::
[def] json problem
1805 ::
[Araq] "out of memory" error
1753 ::
[dom96] httpclient timeouterror
1609 ::
[Jehan] readPasswordFromStdin
1592 ::
[dom96] setControlCHook not firing during readlineFromStdin
1491 ::
[Araq] SIGSEV calling a nim lib from python
1476 ::
[def] [SOLVED] strfmt problem
1345 ::
[reactormonk] Nim in Finance
1240 ::
[Varriount] Nimborg / Firebird connection
1143 ::
[Varriount] An ultra-fast, multi-threaded file copy utility written in Nim
1102 ::
[def] strfmt issues
987 ::
[andrea] light-weight data structures in nim?
928 ::
[Varriount] standardDeviation
865 ::
[Araq] Terminal Width
844 ::
[Araq] What toolchain are YOU using for Nim development?
790 ::
[gradha] How to echo unicode string
533 ::
[Araq] Problems with random() and a library that avoids them