Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12046 ::
[arnetheduck] `nph` opinionated formatter v0.6
11533 ::
[doofenstein] How do I emulate ruby's super() for a subclass object's constructor.
11508 ::
[DMisener] Help storing *reference* instead of copy in an object constructor.
11485 ::
[juancarlospaco] Nim implementation of Ruby tap() method
11417 ::
[jyapayne] Help with macro/template extrapolating of parameters
11091 ::
[Araq] Can ref variables reference non-ref variables?
10949 ::
[PMunch] Template default parameters question
10909 ::
[DMisener] subclassed Iterator dispatch question
10498 ::
[DMisener] New OSX weirdness - extraneous ld warning
10489 ::
[Araq] Given an enum how do I return a seq of its elements
10472 ::
[Araq] Nimble newbie issue
10465 ::
[PMunch] How to pass an optional callback to a proc
10443 ::
[Araq] Re: std/Paths - Converting Path to string
10410 ::
[Araq] \suggestions on handling \destructuring of array/seq into a list of named fields?
9548 ::
[Araq] Nimble is unable to download and install
9348 ::
[treeform] if-else VS case-else VS case
9167 ::
[boia01] How to avoid memory capture violation during addExitProc capture?
9104 ::
[PMunch] Hopefully simple Nim syntax question
9019 ::
[Araq] Simple linked list questions: Correct proc signature for first()
8965 ::
[dom96] How to correctly augment async future data
8925 ::
[DMisener] Stumped! Extending futures with addition context info
8866 ::
[dsrw] Nim devroom at FOSDEM this weekend
8586 ::
[Araq] New here
8541 ::
[Araq] Looking for feedback on Nim for Beginners #27 Object Variants
8504 ::
[yglukhov] Nim access to OSX cut and paste buffer:
7309 ::
[Araq] DumpIncludes - See where your exe size comes from.
5050 ::
[treeform] Dash docsets now available