Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10746 ::
[vonH] Is there a guide to creating PostgreSQL extensions or dynamic libraries "xxx.so" etc in Nim?
10739 ::
[vonH] An Ode to my Goddess Nim.
10493 ::
[Araq] The secret of Nim
5347 ::
[Araq] Nim for enterprise software development
5226 ::
[vonH] How do nim users who have some proficiency in Lisp compare the two?
5214 ::
[Araq] [RFC] Why use Nim?
2946 ::
[dom96] HELP!! Mentioning Nim is resulting in the drain of all my karma at Hacker News.
2916 ::
[Araq] book delayed again
2891 ::
[Araq] Help in compiling nim on android termux
2553 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] How do you install the gtk 3 development libraries and toolchain on Windows 64bit?
2536 ::
[vonH] SOLVED : Where can I obtain a copy of the liblz4.dll for Windows?
1376 ::
[Araq] How is Nimrod 1.0 coming up? Rust will be at 1.2 in 6 weeks or so.
870 ::
[Araq] Announcement: 3DICC marries Nim with Urho3D
828 ::
[Araq] Is there any tutorial for Nim as your first programming language?
756 ::
[Araq] Nim needs a mailing list?
561 ::
[Araq] Has the renaming of Nimrod to Nim been finalized?
482 ::
[Araq] Babel 0.4.0 released
471 ::
[Araq] Does Nimrod have a heredoc syntax?
468 ::
[dom96] Is the forum going to get a forgotten password feature?
467 ::
[Araq] Example Nimrod programs using IUP, JSON and PostgreSQL
457 ::
[Araq] D Language Backend
449 ::
[Araq] could not import: CreateSymbolicLinkW