Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10655 ::
[veksha] slice assignment doesn't work when converter is present
9113 ::
[PMunch] async stdin/stdout errors (compiling nimlsp on Windows)
9107 ::
[ElegantBeef] pass as parameter only a certain procedure from multiple with the same name (overloaded procs)
9105 ::
[veksha] Map complex C++ types into Nim
9080 ::
[Araq] {.nodecl} VS {.importc, nodecl} and return VS result
9066 ::
[Araq] [Karax] "include" statement doesn't work correctly inside karax DSL
8283 ::
[Araq] [0..min(10,^1)]
8270 ::
[veksha] parallel: invalid control flow for 'parallel'
8265 ::
[veksha] Nim compile problem
8263 ::
[doongjohn] Nim online playground using Monaco and Wandbox api
8229 ::
[ynfle] Don't understand macros compile error
8227 ::
[FabienPRI] zip error code
8067 ::
[Araq] high(Natural) == high(int)
4642 ::
[mashingan] gladloadgl