Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12652 ::
[Araq] Newst "release" of nim-vscode and nimlangserver
12555 ::
[thegraynode] SurrealDB driver for Nim
11630 ::
[moigagoo] Upcoming "Nim for Pythonistas" talk at PyCon Italy
11565 ::
[planetis] Nim covered by Stephen Blum, CTO of PubNub
11505 ::
[thegraynode] Introducing nginwho - An nginx log parser, Cloudflare IP restorer, and untrusted traffic blocker
11163 ::
[Araq] Have I written a silly program or is there a "controlled" memory leak?
8552 ::
[Araq] Nim for Beginners video series discussion thread